A few updates...

Andrew Boon posted 20th of July 2010 in . 66 comments.

We've been silent for a while, so it looks like it's time for an update. Or a few. We have done a lot since the latest Dolphin upgrade and despite of the recent problems with DDoS attack we have a lot of things in the pipeline.

1. Trac update.

We have seen petitions to add a new Wiki for documentation, we have received some emails with requests for it, but afters some research we concluded that Trac is still a very capable solution for Wiki and it just needed an upgrade to the latest version.

So, Trac is now upgraded and is better integrated with BoonEx.com. We renewed the Documentation structure and welcome everyone to participate in developing a comprehensive Documentation for Dolphin. We need your help. There is also a "How To" section where you could add your own "guides" or links to them (reposting content from Forums or Blogs is OK too, with a reference).

New Wiki has pictures attachments and now all Advanced and Premium members can edit Wiki.

Additionally, i have to report that tickets submission didn't work for a few weeks and is now fixed, so premium members can submit tickets again.

REMINDER: Trac login is Case-sEnsitiIVE (your Unity username/pass is used).

2. Dolphin 7.0.3

We have evaluated the most pressing issues that need to be addressed and now work on Dolphin 7.0.3 around the clock to deliver it in beginning of August. It takes a little more time than we expected partly due to DDoS attacks but mostly due to significant update of Forums.

So, in 7.0.3 you're going to see a seriously improved Forum. We removed unnessesary AJAX effects, streamlined the UI, added moderation features and some basic forum features.

Second most important part of 7.0.3 update is speed improvement, this affests JS files, images, compression, some DB optimisation, etc. We plan a lot of speed improvements for future updates and will gradually bring them, starting with 7.0.3.

3. BoonEx.com

Unfortunately, many of you have witnessed periods of downtime and slow performance of BoonEx.com earlier this month. We were a target of a massive and fairly sophisticated DDoS attack. At this stage I can only say that it has been beneficial to us, because we had to learn a lot from this and this new knowledge is very valuable for our work. We have aquatinted ourselves with different web-server software options, optimised our code, found some problems in Dolphin and moved to new, better servers. The move is now complete and we are back to speed.

4. Unity update.

We are now testing a major update of Unity. It's scheduled to go live about the same time as 7.0.3. Expect new browsing pages that would better display content updated across entire system, all-new Websites section, updates Blogs, Market and Jobs and new moderation tools.

Along with Unity we plan to update BoonEx.com with a goal of making it faster. Much faster.

5. Trident

We have some news in Trident department too, and plan to post them for Premium members in about a week.

6. DosDawg vs ModMySite "unrest"

There was an issue and an argument between the two members of Unity recently and we have received some unhappy comments about it. I'd like to make it clear that we see both DosDawg and ModMySite as valuable and respectable members of BoonEx community and plan to collaborate with both now and in the future.

We made a decision to remove Moderator status from DosDawg. This decision is based solely on a potential of conflict of interests, since DosDawg provides hosting services and is in competition with some other members. At the same time we work on the ways to collaborate more closely with DosDawg in regards to hosting services and Dolphin improvement.

Although ModMySite decided to pull their free RMS offer, we have achieved an agreement to co-operate in areas of Dolphin improvement and we hope that their offers would be reinstated soon.

There're sometimes very fine (and blurred) lines between "advertising" and "help/support" and "comment", so arguments like this happen and it's only natural.

Please login to post a comment.
Nathan Paton
I find this to be bittersweet. I'll be looking forward to August.
Andrew Boon
Bittersweet is often tasty. Just saying. :)
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Comment: DosDawg didn't do anything wrong and he's not removed from the network. We're only taking his moderator status to free him from any controversy regarding his status and his commercial services]

Good job guys - looking forward to 7.0.3

Thanks for the updates!
A little faith has been restored. Boonex, I'm new. I like Dolphin and have faith in its potential. It wasnt looking good for awhile there. Thank you.
Hopefully 7.0.3 brings video working right.
New Forums sounds great too.
Can't wait.
Hope it squashes all the bugs I have.
Thanks for the update.
@ Number 6: When having 2 valuable members not seeing eye to eye, sometimes it's tough making a decision to ensure both parties will remain valuable members of Boonex/Dolphin.
@ Number 3: Although things do go wrong they do turn out better as long as you stick with it and it's good to see that you guys are still sticking with it, learning and fixing mistakes that were there...I'm assuming the future of boonex/Dolphin's stability will only improve.
@ Number 2: Although everyone see more is eager to get their hands on 7.0.3, don't rush to get the release out...it's better to put 90% focus on the update and 10% on updating the members on it's progress.
Well, those are my opinions

Good Job overall :)
Do you think you will fix the issue with the database multiple select with pre-defined values on 7.03? It make both the join form and the search functions essentially dysfunctional but is something that worked fine in D6. The Trac report on this was erroneously labeled as "fixed". As I understand from some of Alex's comments, this was either a mistake, or something that they forgot to do when they developed D7.
Is there going to be an easy way to import products from ones own store to place in their boonex store? If so which shopping cart programs will fit the need? Currently I use Cubecart 3.0.x
I regret to inform you, that the wiki is still crap.
Andrew Boon
It's easy to improve/expand, so give specifics and we'll add trac extensions if needed. We evaluated TikiWiki and MediaWiki and couldn't find any significant advantages of both over Trac's wiki component.
I will wait to comment until the beginning of August. I'm losing faith, sorry.

As I recall, the only time dosdawg posted anything to you, was when you posted a link to a gay porn site in the Dolphin 7 forum, without warning people.

@ anyone else that cares, I agree with dosdawg's actions as a moderator. I'm sure he's all brokenhearted about losing moderator status. I'll be sure to console him with a six pack of Lone Star beer, the next time he's in town. I kinda figured there was some sort of private relationship between modmysite and Boonex... thanks for confirming see more that Uno.. it explains a lot.

@Caltrade ... Don't worry... sooner or later, a Boonex developer will release a mod that fixes all that.
Andrew Boon
I generally agree with DosDawgs moderator actions too, including the case with ModMySite. I still believe, though, that it is a good idea to remove Moderator status from him to free him from any controversy when he's participating in hosting-related talks or whenever he's dealing with posts of his competitors. I have nothing but respect to this member and hope to work with him further on.
I to stand behind DosDawg, I am sorry to see him lose his moderator status. I think things are going to be more hectic now with him not moderating, but that's just my 2 cents worth.

@Andrew thanks for the update. We all thought you all were taking a world tour or something..lol
Andrew Boon
I stand behind DosDawg either. And behind any other good member of the community, inducing ModMySite. I think removal of this status will only make life easier for Dos.
Let's see what happens.
[edited out by Andrew Boon]
I for one do not believe the 'around the clock' statement. If you are going to try and pump us up to hang in there, at least make the comments plausible.
Andrew Boon
Just like with anything else, it's hard to understand the inner workings of web-software product development until you dive well into it. Sometimes even little things take days or weeks. Too many things to consider and to account for. As they say, devil is in details. I dont' blame you for non-belief, just think you don't really understand it at full.
Good News Sound Greate

I don't know who is DosDawg I see hem on the forum sometime but I can't talk bad about hem because I realy don't know hem like others

But ModmySite they are realy good people greate server good support and they realy friendly with everyone on the site

Good Work Boonex

But why only Premiums memebers going to have acces to the Trident deparment

Do you know how many time I been visiting Boonex Every day 24/7

Yep check my statu or on your cpanel whoo login see more everyday and the time Please Make me Premium or Give me access to the Trident deparment

1 - Thanks for the updates Andrew

2 - No comments on the moderation status removal (although no one can ever say there is a conflict of interest anymore)

3 - @LightWolf , Is my moderation not up to par for you? LOL.. Ya know, I try to do whats best too ya know :P If there is something that I may be missing please feel free to contact me (that goes for any member of Unity)

4 - @Others - This is not a post for you to submit your personal opinions about another member (DosDawg) nor anyone see more else. You may keep those to yourself.

@HL / Boonex` - if the only way to get that rather serious flaw in D7 fixed is for one of their developers to develop a commercial mod that fixes the product, at least that would be some solution. Is that a possibility?
Hey Andrew,

Couple of ideas for you...

Any chance that us DEVS can get a pre-release copy?? (lots of mods to update + wouldn't mind a look at Orca)

Also, how about a DEV only forum for release discussions?

- only members of DEV forum can get access to the beta download
- download from link in DEV forum.
- membership to DEV forum has to be personally activated

The current BETA forum is probably a perfect candidate, just change the access.
IMHO betas should be for a beta team only see more - the public should only see RC versions.

Andrew Boon
There will be a beta version for sure, a public one, and as soon as it's ready.
Thanks for the upate :-)

Please consider also to add membership level shown at Profile page. It is a real must that other members can see the membership of another member!
That would be really nice :-)

Thank you for your efforts and work!
Thanks for the update
There is something that most members and Boonex are missing here, I think.

If Dolphin, in its latest versions (6 and 7) is an unfinished product with lots of bugs and routines (I´m from the Basic age) that don´t work properly, how come does Boonex expect to make a dime out of it from selling licenses? I mean, who, besides myself, would be so naive as to pay for a license of something that doesn´t work? (I actually donated a little bit more than the price of a yearly license when free licenses see more were given away, last year). Or, to be fair, that works a little and gives you tons of headache?

As far as I can see, most of us have one or more websites waiting to be formally launched. That is, our websites are just test-sites... And this is because of reasons we all know...

I have personally put this project in the freezer until I find a script (paid or free) that really works.

If anyone knows of a competitive social network script, please e-mail me with the details.

Andrew Boon
Dolphin is not an unfinished product. Latest version is normally a stable and usable, though it may potentially have problems that may occur in different circumstances. This is, as Steve Jobs put it, "a challenge for entire industry".
The forum is quite confusing for members. Good idea to work it over.

By the way, others who are not aware of the drivel going on here sometimes give a very high rating for boonexed sites like this.

Good content, attractive design and well organised website. Overall Performance is Great!!
Very professional looking website. The layout is functional and easy to navigate! Very fast loading will help you in the SERPS. Use of colors is pleasing... Great Job! If you would like free one-way see more links to your website, www.monopolinks.com is always interested in another quality member!

Yes, my site's loading fast compared to others. Maybe because it is collocated to whm servers.

Most of what you asked for was suggested a long time ago.... sort of. For a while they expanded the old 'Pundit's group here on boonex.com, and I guess that was their idea of a 'QC' team. Trouble is.... a lot of the people they added to the group couldn't have found their ass if it had a bell on it. Now the entire world is allowed to enter tickets. I predict Boonex will regret the day they implemented the current ticket editing policy. Apparently, having some sort of clue how web apps see more work, is not a prerequisite to trac editing privileges. Same thing with the bug reporting forum.... apparently knowing the difference between a bug and self-stupidity, is not a prerequisite for bug submission privileges. You want a group of devs.... I suggested a QC team over a year ago.... whatever you call it, a select group of people to evaluate new versions prior to public release is a good idea.
@ UFO360 You have to become a premium member by donations or buying a license. This is not FREE, and well a lot of us have been on this site and on it everyday for the last 4 years. If you want premium status then make a donation, otherwise this would not be fair to people that have paid for this option.

@Zarcon you so rock..lol You have done a lot for members here and we do appreciate you. :-)
"Offline Reader" + Hackzor.
yeah no sweat on the moderator status, and FYI, this means i am going to RIP every idiots ass that pass across this site. [edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]
I am glad to see there is not any hard feelings from DosDawg on this moderation mess...There are only handful and talented of helpful members that have the experience with this dolphin to help us around here it seems like the only answers come from these few.

Thanks to all of you that do take time out of your day to help!
Why you just dont work on a nice free forum like smf or any other forum and let all the work done by them ?
So you will have more time to work rest of the Dolphin.
I think it would be great to separate dolphin from the forum.
Andrew Boon
Devil is in details. It sound easy, but consider: additional database, additional installation procedure, updates of the 3rd party software, integration updates, change in hosting requirements, design/templates compatibility, etc, etc. We've been there and we know for sure that we don't want a 3rd party forum as part of default Dolphin installation.
Awesome! I'm sooooooooo glad you are seriously addressing the concerns with speed, especially now that we know 100% that this is a significant aspect of google's algorithm.
Can a script this good also be fast? Let's find out! I am totally confident that once my site is a bit faster, I will totally blow away my competition in the SERPS. Thanks Boonex.
Andrew Boon
We are testing some speed-related changes and overall we see a lot of points where Dolphin can be seriously improved. We'll be rolling out more and more updates successively in the next version and afterwards.
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]

Dosdawg is professional enough to avoid letting an "potential" conflicts of interest affect his moderation duties. Removing moderator status from him was apparently done without much intelligent thought by the Boonex person who did that. Dodawg was one of the best moderators. ANOTHER mistake on the part of Boonex.
Andrew Boon
I did it, applying a lot of intelligent thought beforehand.
Now theres 3 of you that think so. <jk>
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]

I see your statement about working "night and day" on the new update has been removed & a post was made that states how everyone is going on vacation.

More lies.

Is this necessary? Do you think it somehow helps to lie to people and then drop a bomb on them later? This is EXACTLY what the thread I started complains about.

Of course I am a "bitch" who foolishly accepted your word as your bond multiple times - only to be bent over again and again. (Beat you see more to it dawg)

I have one things to say to you Boonex

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you've thrown yourselves off the cliff again. Big surprise.
Andrew Boon
re:everyone is going on vacation

It was told that SOME people are going on vacation, FIY in different time and for short periods. I would also add that this is only good for their productivity.
[edited out by Andrew Boon. Please, don't post any personal attacks, provocations or even personal opinions about other members here.]
As a free license user, I am always appreciative of any and all help I've received from many unity members including DosDawg and
deeemm. I do find the outburst using this blog entry not very professional.
we can all agree on one thing and that is having a better workable community for our own sites is what we need. What we don't need is all the in-house bitching about each other. And DosDawg perhaps you should back up and keep your sexist comments to yourself. I am female and I like wearing see more panties and I am proud to be a bitch (babin total control of herself). If you are hoping to have friends left on this site I would suggest you step back, take a deep breath and try thinking with your big head and not your little one.

I do agree that the behaviour which caused Dos to have his mod priv's is in fact a very bad reflection of the site as the mods represent the site and are supposed to be professional whether we have paid for a license or not. Boonex chose to give free licenses and the bottom line is that it is their company and their choice who they have rep their site. I have had to let mods go because they do not reflect what my site is about. it's one thing to get angry but it's another when it's a rep of the site basically telling those with much less intelligence (which you seem to think most of us are compared to you) that we just better buck or shut up unless we pay.

So boy's get your damn balls off the table and tuck them back into your pants so the rest of the community can get on with the work of helping to make dolphin a better community. Have a nice day and thanks DeeEmm for your past help as with DosDawg. If only you could see it the way I do...you are both valuable but no one wants to hear a bitch fest on here. Got something to say? Write a blog or a letter or find a solution for yourself but remember what you say reflects on the person you are.
I don't think most guys put their "balls on the table".

There are too many inconsiderate diners who don't watch what they are doing with the bowl of mashed potato's.

Of course then there is that whole "hairy pudding" problem too...... be we needn't go there.

.......just sayin' ; )

I've provided you all possible solution in the current version, all other solutions requires more changes and will be implemented in future versions. It is structural change and it will be fixed in 7.1.

I've already checked it, but I will try to check it again - if it is possible to implement some easier(or maybe temporary) solution to include it in 7.0.x update.
Hey Alex, why are you not on vacation?
Andrew Boon
FIY, the last time I remember Alex having vacation (3 days or so) was about 5 years ago, still with his laptop handy and connecting every day.
@Andrew Boon said - "re:everyone is going on vacation It was told that SOME people are going on vacation, FIY in different time and for short periods. I would also add that this is only good for their productivity."


Yeah, I realized I had misspoken after it was too late to edit it. Still, doesn't it occur to you that this vacation announcement is a huge slap in the face after what you had posted see more in this thread just two days previous? You flat out mislead everyone again and I can't figure out what the purpose is for doing such a thing.

If the vacation helps with employee productivity, great. I am not complaining about them having a vacation, other than I honestly thought they might be on vacation already. I am complaining about the lack of information, mis-information, dis-information, and flat out deceptions. What is going to help with that?

If we can't count on getting a straight story from the man at the top, who can we count on?

Thanks for all your hard work, but it's like building a beautiful boat with a huge hole in the bottom. It might look pretty, but it sinks when it is used for its designed purpose. What's the point in that? Worse, what's the point in telling people to stay on the boat because you're going to patch it - and then send your main people away? If I didn't know better I would think you are being paid by your competition to sabotage your own script & customer base!

I (like many others here have already said over the last few days) have to find another way of doing what I want. This shows no signs of ever changing.

Have a nice vacation everyone.
Andrew Boon
The vacation announcement was an Agents thing to make sure their customers don't get upset and/or talk to another Agent. None of the developers are on vacation now anyway and this has certainly nothing to do with our update post. I just don't get where did you find misinformation or deceiving? We are developing a product and servicing customers just as planned, and with very positive outlook, with more clients using the software successfully than ever.
Nice to see boonex is moderated at least 1x per year. I was wondering if there was such a thing besides hiding posts or comments. Nice to see. Hope to see the big shots participate a little more often. Guess we'll have to see if another 365 days go by before we see more boonies get involved or if it will be a free for all for 364 more days or what. No big deal. Keep the faith!
@Alex - that solution doesn't work. I tried to show you what happens by giving you access to a guest account. The search can be made to work properly, but if you use that fix, then members can never edit their accounts again - if they do, then "not selected" will be selected as an actual value. The Trac on this was incorrectly closes, which may by why this serious bug has gotten no attention. If you have a temporary fix for 7.0.x I would certainly like to hear it.
Hi Andrew,
With all due respect, if you tell me that Dolphin "may potentially have problems that may occur in different circumstances", why would I use it?, to experience those problems?

My wish is to be able to use Dolphin, of course.

I am pro Dolphin!

My concern is that there are so many complaints about bugs and lists of pending fixes, that I began to feel that something was not going in the right direction.

Maybe simpifying the script to a basic forum, chat, photo and little see more more, and leaving upgrades to independent coders would be a good choice.

You could concentrate in making the best structure for social websites.


it will be possible to upgrade - 6.1.6 to 7.0.3 ?

Do you think you will fix the issue with the database multiple select with pre-defined values on 7.03? It make both the join form and the search functions essentially dysfunctional but is something that worked fine in D6. The Trac report on this was erroneously labeled as "fixed". As I understand from some of Alex's comments, this was either a mistake, or something that they forgot to do when they developed D7.

by @AlexT
I've provided you all possible solution see more in the current version, all other solutions requires more changes and will be implemented in future versions. It is structural change and it will be fixed in 7.1.
I've already checked it, but I will try to check it again - if it is possible to implement some easier(or maybe temporary) solution to include it in 7.0.x update.

@Alex - Tis really important function
Google Analytics

1. / - page views - 59 445
2. /member.php - 27 832
3. /mail.php?mode=inbox - 27 370
4. /video/all/10/1 - 23 131
5. /index.php - 19 537
6. /search.php?online_only=1 - 17 422
7. /search.php - 14 547

We have evaluated the most pressing issues that need to be addressed and now work on Dolphin 7.0.3 around the clock to deliver it in beginning of August. ... well, middle of September.. what is latest on 7.0.3?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.