Unity Improvement. Step I. Bugs.

AntonLV posted 23rd of March 2010 in Boonex News. 78 comments.

I'm in charge of Unity internals and decided to present a series of posts about Unity features, improvements, bugs, etc. So, let's start by fixing existing problems. Please share your observations if you see any bugs or issues here.

Please login to post a comment.
Orca Forum spy goes down regularly. Next time I'll grab a screenshot.

When a post is edited by Admin or Moderators it can still be edited by the member, this is not a good thing as it defeats the purpose of the Admin Edit.

Market is disfunctional in it's organization at best.

Members who wish to post a job request must pay $20 just to find someone, this really isn't fair to them. They're not selling, they're buying. Can we make it so you must pay if you want to bid on a job? Perhaps see more hide the Job Posters ID & Info and just have us bid on the jobs. This will push the modders who do work but don't post mods to buy the Premium Membership while the customers can avoid paying fees to get help.
1. I'm tired of having to enter my login credentials on every visit. How about a cookie login that works?

2. All that AJAX content updating in the forums is real cute, but it breaks browser navigation. How about getting rid of it, and just do it the old fashioned way? The only place ajax can be called an enhancement is the forum spy..... everywhere else, it's just a damn nuisance.

3. Organize the market into categories, while it's still manageable. Right now, its a mess. Give us a real see more Job listing area, instead of just adding jobs to the market as an afterthought.
There is a lot of flicker occuring in the footer menu when using IE8. This doesn't occur at all in Firefox 3 but it is terrible in IE8

I completely agree with MD & HL about the market. It's a mess and it's almost impossible to find things.
In the post above I meant to say the floating footer user menu (mailbox, profile, sites, etc) - not the Boonex footer.

I also forgot to add that in the actual footer (the Boonex footer) the breadcrumbs are covering up other links in IE8 when viewing the Unity homepage. I haven't seen it doing this on the other pages - but I may be wrong.

Please see... http://www.picdepict.com/viewer.php?file=89192246826611468666.png ... for a screenshot of what I mean.
I suggest to learn from Zimbra, claros.org for Unity Mail System
See my post http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Suggestions_for_Unity_Marketplace about the MarketPlace.

Forums. More Sub-Forum categorization to make things easier to find.

Agree with HL about Ajax. Simpler is better. Remove it.
^^^ I 2nd what they said.

Just to reiterate - The Marketplace is crap - read BigAls blog post - lots of good ideas on there.

And again just to drive the point home - AJAX is overused - Really is no need to have it for forum posting - it breaks navigation even more so for those of use who navigate by keyboard.

The 3 new comments on my blog posts lead to 'Nothing found. '

No forum posts shown in my profile

Default field for market posts in profile should be 'NEW' - using 'HOT' is great see more for those shifting lots of mods, but for those of us who are just starting nothing shows in our profile.

Better still - why not let these settings be user selectable (I remember Andrey mentioning that Unity would be running on Dolphin 7 once)

Blog entry: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Dolphin_7_0_1_is_coming_soon
I click on "Show 51 - 54 of 54 discussions" at the bottom of the blog and get the following.
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: runtime error: file http://www.boonex.com/unity/modules/Blog/layout/default/xsl/comment_discussions.xsl line 14 element call-template in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() see more [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: The called template 'cmt_box' was not found. in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: runtime error: file http://www.boonex.com/unity/modules/Blog/layout/default/xsl/comment_discussions.xsl line 14 element call-template in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: The called template 'cmt_box' was not found. in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: runtime error: file http://www.boonex.com/unity/modules/Blog/layout/default/xsl/comment_discussions.xsl line 14 element call-template in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: The called template 'cmt_box' was not found. in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: runtime error: file http://www.boonex.com/unity/modules/Blog/layout/default/xsl/comment_discussions.xsl line 14 element call-template in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 73
Fixed. Thank you for the report.
Also can we sort out the ergonomics on blog post comments please? It is too easy to double post the same comment. I just refreshed this blog posting after about an hour of being on the same page and I think it double posted because of this. Certainly it was displaying the "Edit" and "Delete" count down. Although it would not let me delete it the posting.
Cannot reproduce the issue by simply refreshing the page. But when I clicked twice with Submit button the same post was created again.
I'd like to see a separate page for latest post and let it show up to 100 post. Perhaps making a clickable link at the bottom of forum spy to another page that shows the lastest 100 as the front page and forum page only shows around the last 10. 10 post can be made on one forum thread in no time and if the thread is rapidly moving, you won't see the other latest post without having to search through the forums categories.
Need to add Moderation tools to the Forums :) Moderators should be able to hide/delete/ or edit a member's post without affecting the entire forum post.
Hello Anton,

I have one major problem for Paypal payments.

There is an error in the product description at the Paypal transaction details:

Item Title: <![CDATA[Dolphin Game Zone + Youtubes Video Zone Pack]]>

Since this error I do not receive any Paypal 'payment received' notifications. I do not know if this is coincident. Has anyone have this problem too?

Kind regards,
The problem with <![CDATA[]]> was fixed. I tested in demo mode and it's working fine. Check it please.
Thank you for the report.
Hello Anton,

I have one major problem for Paypal payments.

There is an error in the product description at the Paypal transaction details:

Item Title: <![CDATA[Dolphin Game Zone + Youtubes Video Zone Pack]]>

Since this error I do not receive any Paypal 'payment received' notifications. I do not know if this is coincident. Does anyone have this problem too?

Kind regards,
Well just found another error.

I edited the message above while it also could be deleted. Instead of editing it duplicated my message...

So, sorry for this double message... but if you like: find the difference ;)

Kind regards,
Found at: http://www.boonex.com/unity/paymentprovider/extensions

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [function.DOMDocument-loadXML]: xmlParseEntityRef: no name in Entity, line: 2 in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 66
Cannot reproduce the issue on http://www.boonex.com/unity/paymentprovider/extensions page. It's working fine under my account. If you provide me with your login password I could be able to investigate and fix the problem. If you agree you may send them via internal mailbox.
Stats page was fixed. Check it please.
@Zarcon: I think you are right and there should definately be a way to delete/hide posts from moderators. Considering some of the above posts. It is tainting what could be a good blog post thread. Still I am sure A.LV can work out what is dross and what is relevant.
I do not know if that is with me - boonex.com - the site is slow very slow
It is either you, your internet connection, your browser version/make, your computer, check your anti-virus is not kicking off, check no one is using your router as a warez hub. Erm run out of things to mention. Anyway boonex website is working for me fine. You should really post "I do not know if that is with me - boonex.com - the site is slow very slow" else where and not clutter this thread. Same as the PayPal posting above. It could be a good blog thread without the dross. I agree see more with Zarcon. The ability for moderators to hide irrelevant posts would be a plus.
RE webmediaservices - I too have not received any Paypal 'payment received' notifications

I to have seen the same problem with paypal market purchaces as webmediaservices. <![CDATA[ in the product description and no email notices of payment.

Also, the site becomes very slow at times. When it does get slow, there are constant database errors. Perhaps you guys have a database problem.
Smilies in the forums do not show up. Anyone inserting a smiley will only succeed in putting a big - ugly - red x into their post.
@ deano - Code Satori blogged about similar database issues

- http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Unity_Software_MySQL_Database_Errors
When clicking on a link in forum spy to read post - it takes you half way down the posts - not to latest post

Also when clicking quote - same thing - takes you to halfway not to the editor
Teil 1 :

Hallo Boonex Team.

Danke für Eure Areibt, aber bis jetzt ist das grosser Schrott !!!!
warum keine ray rms demo ? soviel werbung für euren av chat und warum wird so wenig daran gearbeitet ?
ray fehlers :
1. gast ist immer gast, kein sinn, keine kontrolle für admin und user.
2. speichert keine vorherigen einstellungen beim verlassen, sprich, schrifft farbe grösse ton usw.
3. smiles verdecken die buchstaben. keine grössen anpassung und abstände
4. troz email und link aus, see more kann man bilder per link anzeigen lassen.
5. gast kann im chat mitgleid auf priv gehen dann kam sehen und ton hören.
6. der gesendete text im chat wird im chat fenster nicht angezeigt, muss nochmal schreiben und senden. kommt oft vor
7. login chat, chatfenster bei 1920x1200 bildschirm einstellung zu klein und mitgleider-kamfenster kann man nur im rahmen der gröse des chat fensters ändern oder voll bild.
7. login chat über desktop, klick auf vollbild, error nachtricht.
8. keine sperre für "chatverschmutzer" , jeder user kann so schnell und soviel schreiben wie er will. kleine zeitlimt, bzw. nachricht sperre und warnnachricht dass zu schnell geschrieben wurde oder zu oft zu schnell enter gedrückt wurde.
9. smile anzahl sperre in einem satz.
10. satzlängenbegrentzung.
11. bösewörtersperre
12, fehler bei send to, grösse
über die sicherheitslücken will ich gar nicht nachdenken, aber ich als leihe kann da beinah machen was ich will. einer der böses will macht es einfach.
Teil 2 :

dolphin fehlers.

video bild qualität scheisse
nach flash upload kommt selten das fenster wo man es noch beschrifften kann.
wo hat man die möglichkeit des hauptbildes des video einzustellen.
keine nachricht anzeige im dashbord dass neuer freund, neue mail und was noch auf ein user wartet.
wo ist meine Musik , Meine Foto, Meine Video Favoriten ?? Wie kommt man dahin ??
player verdeckt links von navigations menu
manche komentare haben möglichkeit timy manche nicht, hmmmm, komisch

ich see more KAUFE sprach pakete oder extra module, ihr macht update und alles kaputt, DANKE, es ging auch anders, aber euch ist egal wie lange eure user dran gesessen haben um euren mühl zu übersetzen.

sehr schlecht ist zu übersetzen wenn programierer kleinhirnig denken und nur english und die grösse der blocks oder rahmen oder so begrenzen auf anzhal der buchstaben.
es soll ja professionell sein, also kann es nicht nur english denkend sein und denken dass alle die gleiche wörter die IHR schon vorgabt haben wollen. beispiel "add" 3 buchstaben platz reicht. in deutsch würde es ungefäher "hinzufügen" oder "einstellen" oder wie auch immer heissen, aber ich finde kein deutsches wort mit 3 buchstaben.
auch nicht in polnisch oder sonst noch welche sprache. na gut, ich kenne nicht alle.
und wenn man das ganze übersetezen soll und noch auf die buchstaben achten, denn wenn überschritten wird, dann wird die daneben oder darunter funktion gar nicht angezeigt, echt spitze, anfängers.

also Leute, ZÄHLEN, Eure Buchstaben auch !!!

sorry jetzt für meine fehlers aber ich bin schon müde von euren mühl und 2 jährigen finalupdate.


ich hoffe es findet sich einer der euch dass mal über setzt .

amsonstet google benutzen, so wie ihr es immer rät, anstatt seber zu machen und mal bisschen kunden freundlicher zu sein.
@ cbassthefish - it is you who clutter up this blog - my connection works great - everywhere - on every website - just slow here - especially on the forum
Perhaps the servers are in Australia and the majority of Boonex users are not? Can we have a Boonex agent confirm where the servers are located? Also, you got to think about how many users are accessing the site at one time...I would guess a pretty good bit. So if the server is far away from you and their are many users on at the same time, that would definitely lead to a slow loading website. A possible solution: have clustered servers across the world....
LOL - my top tip for today - DO NOT USE AUSTRALIAN SERVERS - Tried it when I first moved here, never again. Infrastructure is crap it simply cannot support high bandwidth, high speed. Fastest thing most people can get is ADLS2 at speeds of up to 24000k most only half of that. I had a faster connection 6/7 years ago in the UK.

FYI Boonex servers are in Chicago...

Hosting ISP : Server Central Network
Server Ip :
Server Location :
Chicago, Illinois, 60645, United States
Latitude: see more 42.007598877
Longitude: -87.695602417
oops - nearly forgot why I was here.

...another bug, although I'm sure it will be regarded as a feature - lol

After posting in the forum you are not redirected to your post - but to half way up the thread.
No flood protection either.

That's an invitation for a DOS attack
Well...all new members must pay the lifetime $5 fee in order to do anything on the site...that would hopefully keep attackers out...
something about main server.....
seems that sometimes (well pretty often) I run into an ads problem on the main page..
cut photos only 1/4 of the origial. tops only. and others.
this happens when you edit in adsmin. then go back to the main page.
only way to fix this is to overwrite the main directory (including subs) with an older backed up version.
to restore the main page.
could have something to do with a file. update.
I still see the status or updates of people who are no longer my friends.
Desktop app. If you install it while you are logged onto your site as plain member, you cannot view the user list. I did a regression with three different users and three different machines. Very weird. Also the user list online status does not change when people log in. If they are logged in when you log in they will have an online status. If they log out the status stays the same, online. If you log in and your later your friend logs in the status does not change to online it stays the same offline.

If see more you have purchased a dolphin free ad license you cannot change the dolphin band. Is this a bug, probably not, but it confuses your users and you should be able to modify the branding if you paid not to have dolphin branding, right?

Basically the desktop app should work like msn instant messenger. Last time I checked the auto log in didn't work either.

Also after you install and if you check the box that says" launch program after install" that doesn't work either.

Hope this helps
In the list of blog posts (http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/home), if you are on page 1, and click 2 to go to the second page (from the page list at the top or bottom), the list that you clicked changes but the other one doesn't.

For example, I am viewing the blog posts, I scroll to the bottom, click "2" from the list of pages, and the list refreshes, with "2" being highlighted. However, the list of pages at the top of the posts still has page "1" highlighted. (The see more same thing happens if you do it the other way around too...)
Top list of pages as associated with Tags block and the bottom one with Posts block, therefore they are changed separately.
I second Houston, BigAl and DeeEmm on the redundance of AJAX in the forums. That's the one big reason why you don't see me posting in the forums that much ---- the standard navigation is broken, and the way AJAX is used there does more to harm navigation and interfaces than make a positive contribution to it. Off with it, and keep it simple! AJAX is cool, but it needs to be used in the right places, and there alone.
I should have added an apology too danielmarseille. Sorry. I should think before I speak :) Not being a premium member or market member and so I am not aware of these aspects. I just thought it was to do with one on the D7 paypal modules. <cbassthefish slaps himself>
I'll through my 2 cent into this.
I'm not sure if its already been said but here it goes.

record a video comment - doesn't work.
lol @ using the $5 fee to keep attackers out...

It sounds like a dumb solution, but I actually think you're right. :-)
Why are people reporting Dolphin 7 bugs here?
Will somebody please fix the damn forum spy on this site before I go completely insane?????
The error in the product description at the Paypal transactions is fixed. (Unity Market)
I also receive payment notifications again.

Thank you Anton.
There are tons of issues with boonex.com/unity only a few have been touched on here.

I have just one to report at the moment ====> removal or editing of a site that has been added to the sites area.

then as a follow up, with what has been said by others,

Forum Spy
Database Corruption
Site Moderation
Login Cookie

One suggestion, not a but thogh, this toolbar that is here on the blog area, how come it does not go over onto the forums section? you have to come back to the see more blogs to be able to do any other interaction with the site, in regards to your account.

I have posted issues in the forums where i would suspect that it was intended for issues to be posted about the /unity site.

I also see there is no interaction between what is being provided here, and the blog author.

First thing i wanted to bring up here, is why are you spamming the site with your aqb tag? There is nothing on this post that is in reference to aqb, and the fact that you chose to use aqb as a tag is SPAM.

Now i went to the forums, and there are 89 posts there, with not all of them being unity issues, the larger part of them are. So since you are "in charge" how about getting some of those issues cleared up. Not only cleared up, but post in those threads so that we know they are cleared see more up.

I took a moment to read several of the posts on the forum, which it appears that you have not, since you felt it necessary to post in the blog that you were looking for bug reports on the unity site. Please review the following posts and ensure they are all corrected.

Also, can you note the thread name /forums/topic/Wrong-Account.htm







Now this should be enough to overwhelm you. I think time should be more efficiently spent on fixing the bugs in your latest release, and the bugs here on your site can just be dealt with when you actually have a script that does not transport these same bugs.

Hello DosDawg

It's your private decision what tags do you use in your blog posts. As I know AQB Soft are not prohibited words here. Also it will help Unity members to find all my blog posts. I gave some useful suggestions there. May be you know everything and it doesn't need for you at all, but it will help somebody else. I think there is no anything related to SPAM here. Am I wrong?

Thank you for posting I checked these forum posts, because as I said it's my work now.

http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/topic/Wrong-Account.htm#topic/XX-new-comments-to-your-blog-posts-.htm see more - fixed already.
http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/topic/Wrong-Account.htm#topic/Problem-with-Unity-web-site.htm - fixed already.
http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/topic/Wrong-Account.htm#topic/profile-view-tiny-bug.htm - fixed already.

As I see you didn't check the problems themselves. All of them were fixed already.
The other 3 links contain suggestions about Unity improvements but this blog post is related to BUGS. If you see error or warning message somewhere on Unity feel free to post it here and I would be glad to fix it. Also the decision about improvements and the other changes are taken by Andrew Boon. He looks through all these posts.

P.S. Looks like you think that we all sit here and do nothing. So, you are wrong. Could you please to be more polite in your posts and comments, because we are doing our best to release new Dolphin, fix bugs in Unity/Boonex sites and help to our clients.

Good luck.
One thing I would definitely report as a BUG, that's something I see AntonLV is now working on, is ----

* Boonex staff not following up on issues that are reported by Unity members. That's very frustrating! *

So I hope that Anton's nomination for an Unity Internals fix-up man will contribute towards a situation where our reports and feedback are followed up on.
Will be glad to investigate and fix all bugs which whill be reported here. :)
I sent you an email on this, but I though I would comment here as well. Until some proper quality checking goes into the Websites section of Unity, I would like to request that my site be deleted asap. I do not feel comfortable having my site listed next to what can only be described as a compilation of mostly base install sites padded with fake members. (Granted there are a few "real" community sites, however I think we can all agree the vast majority are not). I appreciate your assistance see more with this.
using and renaming the Html block in home or other pages. it doesn't allow to use different names if we want to use the block more then once for difference purposes . like if we use an html block for google ad-sense then we have to give it name (example : Ads or Advertisement). but same time if we want to use html block for any text content this will use the same name (Ads or Advertisement).
so is there any way we can use the html block with different names?
When clicking on Market->My Posts from the bottom member menu, it only shows 20 of my market posts. I have 22.
* Boonex staff not following up on issues that are reported by Unity members. That's very frustrating! *

Here, here
Download issue for market - user bought one of my mods but could not download it as the code that handles the download seems to have an issue. I forwarded the error message to lyobovl. User was understandably annoyed and unfortunately negged me :(

RSS feed for forums updates when it feels like it (not very often) so pretty useless as method of keeping up with what's happening.

There is no link on my inbox page leading to my sent items - I have to go to my accounts page to transfer between inbox see more and sentbox
Get this all the time http://www.duvallocals.info/media/images/spy.jpg
Get this all the time http://www.duvallocals.info/media/images/spy.jpg
Well I tried to post a link to the screenshot of the spy system down, but it has been removed...
Well I tried to post a link to the screenshot of the spy system down, but it has been removed...
Link from sales stats page to individual mods gives a 404
I'll check it and fix if I could be able to reproduce the problem.
Thank you for the assistance.
WALL POSTs (and comments) email notification to members would be a nice addition
WALL POSTs (and comments) email notification to members would be a nice addition
can not delete blog posts in admin mode...
server side
goes to a page not found screen.
had to delete witrh navicat.
seems alright now. but major bug for deleteing blog posts

The problem with links on sales stats page was fixed. Check it please.
Thanks for the report.
Please restrict Unity Members posting reviews unless they download the mod first

I posted a FREE Mod today

And they gave me a bad rating before they download n test it :)

It makes feel like why do i care sharing my knowledge
In my Unity Mailbox, there are no links between mailbox folders.

When I'm INBOX and want to go to SENT MAIL for example, I need to first go to my Accounts page, and click the link from there.
Another Desktop app issue. When you are log onto the desktop app and you want to send a letter to one of your friends it takes to a log in page at the site, which really defeats the purpose of having a desktop app. if you ask me. Hope it helps with new release.
Another Desktop app issue. When you are log onto the desktop app and you want to send a letter to one of your friends it takes to a log in page at the site, which really defeats the purpose of having a desktop app. if you ask me. Hope it helps with new release. Here is log in screen being shown.
sorry for my english..

I sent this letter to my agent also, for last 4 day's we didn't get from where the problems came from.. So I can get a full access to development programist
of Dolphin 7 in order to find a bugs and to fix them in Dolphin 7.0.1 update, in order to protect others before this problems will be appear to them.

My web have a lots of bags, after a mounth of installing D7...((

1. Chat doesn't load
2. I can't publish Articles...wich contain copy&paste frome web text,
3. see more Video coment's not loading
4. Board not loading.
5. Whole news module just dissapear- so I needed to write posts and install it again
6. Photo alboms not load for about a half of my users as 3D (cooliris)
7. Video update module problem then the language from youtube is russian.

8. Yestuday I got an email from my host "

As you probably aware, here at **** we proactively monitor all our servers
to ensure that our clients websites are loading as fast as possible at all
times. During this routine monitoring we
have found that your account is utilizing an excessive amount of system
resources, and we have been forced to suspend your site as per our terms and
conditions '10% CPU Policy'

For your reference, here is a copy of your usage report:

Top Process %CPU 84.3 /usr/bin/php /home/my user/public_html/modules/index.php
Top Process %CPU 79.4 /usr/bin/php /home/my user/public_html/modules/index.php
Top Process %CPU 74.3 /usr/bin/php /home/my user/public_html/modules/index.php

so I get dolphin not working properetly, I did't do anything - that can make this problem's, all problems sudennly started..((
Hi Anton,

Problem when login to uniti shopping chart history:

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [function.DOMDocument-loadXML]: xmlParseEntityRef: no name in Entity, line: 9 in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxXslTransform.php5 on line 66
The flicker never got fixed. Not that I'm surprised.

Why do you ask for people to report things and then ignore them completely?

Whatever. I tried to tell you. That's all I can do.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.