Last night fire destroyed our home (aka Boonex HQ).

Andrew Boon posted 2nd of November 2015 in Our Journey. 59 comments.

Last night my wife and I woke up to a strange cracking sound coming from the kitchen, like a clumsy intruder shuffling things at 4am. Just about 20 minutes later nothing was left of our house, the home-office, computers, violins, guitars, books or anything at all. We got out with kids a minute before it would be too late. Thank you, guardian angels!


Boons family is safe, healthy and supported by overwhelming love and care from friends, community and family. We live at a very special part of the world where help arrives before you have ask, and more than you would dare to wish for. It’s incredibly humbling and teaching.


Now, why do I post it here? Well, somehow through all these years Boonex community is like extended family for us and we wanted to share where we are at.


Boonexers all work from home. Our “office” is out there, in the cloud or in the air, if you will. Fire can’t burn or scald Boonex. It can, however, set off one of the boonexers (in this case - me) a bit from being able to attend to things in full pace. So, please don’t be too upset if I don’t reply for a few days. We’ve got to give the kids a good wash, have some sleep and reconnect the cables in some shack we’ll call home for the time being.


Meanwhile, the rest of the team is there for you at, as usual.

Lessons learned - keep your kids close to you, fire alarms checked, doors open and files in the cloud. Be nice to your community and help people in need. No matter how secure you feel - it may all crumble overnight. Treasure every moment you have with your loved ones.

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Glad that you're all okay, God is good and for sure he will put all things back in place again.
VERY Happy to hear you and your family are OK!

Similar happened about 20 years ago in my childhood home. Late at night. Crackling sound. Appeared to be an intruder. Nope.

A fire had sparked in the basement and was moving upstairs thru the house VERY rapidly. So fast in fact, the main alarm box melted before it could go off.

Everyone got out though, including pets, in a matter of a minute.

Firemen came super quick and literally axed into the walls on the main floor to stop the fire from see more consuming the entire house.

All the neighbors were outside making sure everyone was ok.

It was eerie to walk thru several days later to see the vast damage & loss of "stuff."

Family was ok and that's all that mattered! Everything else got fixed or replaced over the next year or two.

Lessons learned here too. Glad you are all OK!!
Glad you're okay!! Take your time getting back on track. We'll all survive in the meantime :)
Hi Andrew.
It's greate that everything is OK with you and your family! Take care of yourself!
P.S. Don't worry our team is here. :)
Im glad to hear you and your family are safe! Everything happens for a reason. Keep your head up. Good things are on the way for you and your family.
Glad To hear You all made it out safely! Prayers of peace sent up for you and your family as you deal with this difficult time! Praying for you here in West Virginia, USA!
We also thank your guardian angels to have you allowed to write these few rich educational lines. The message is well received here in Belgium, and we are thinking of you and your family with great emotion.
Its good to know your family is intact bro. God is good. Take time to relax.
I am glad to hear you and your family are safe... ultimately, that is all that matters.
Good to know you are safe with your family. Everything will be on track, spend time with your family.
good to hear all are oke with your family and safe and take time to building up again your home there greatings from the netherlands
Prayer are with your family and thank GOD he woke you all up and got you out! Take care
Good to know you guys are safe. Hope every thing sort out on your side.
Wow! Glad you and your family are ok Andrew. What a catastrophe. Hopefully you will get everything back soon.
Sorry to hear that. My prayers to you and your family.
Glad everyone got out o.k.
Amen! Happy to know the whole family is safe. Keep safe, sir. God bless.
Andrew my thoughts are with you and your family at this time. Please stay strong.
It is good to know that you guys are okay whatever is destroyed can be replace as long as your family are safe and sound then there nothing to worry about God will take care of the rest.
God bless my brother!!
Blessed that entire family was not harmed.
Family is all that matters, so glad your all safe and unharmed. All the other stuff is material, though tough to loose it can all be replaced.
Sorry to hear of your lost of possessions but the main thing is that you and your family are safe. Things can be replaced but not love ones.
Houses are replaceable.. Family is not. Glad to hear you and the family are OK.
Sorry to hear about the fire...I'm glad that you and your family are alright...
Andrew, Oh my gosh I'm so glad ya'll are okay. My family's prayers are with yours. So sorry about that. -Tim
Glad you guys came out alive, everything else can be replaced.
It is great to see the out pouring of support and well wishes. I am glad you and family are safe. Recover soon! God Bless you all.
It is great to see the out pouring of support and well wishes. I am glad you and family are safe. Recover soon! God Bless you all.
Hi Andrew, glad to hear you and your family are safe! ultimately, that is all that matters. Everything happens for a reason. Keep your head up. God is good and for sure he will put all things back in place again. Good things are on the way for you and your family.
Dear Andrew, please provide those of us that care and who are in distant lands a form of access to donate to a type of a "rebuild your life" fund. Allowing us access to something as simple as a paypal address, etc. or some other method to donate would be sufficient. You have given of yourself to us by creating another means of worldly communication to unite and now it is time for us to help you in times of your need as we would help others who do similar. "The wise man does not lay see more upon his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own." Lao Tzu
OY!!! I am so so sorry Andrew...I'm so glad you are all okay!
Sorry Andrew and family!
I am glad that you and your family are safe and alive, my prayers go out to you all. You are truly amazing and I am proud to be boonex user.Keep us posted as to how you are doing. and keep up the great work. We love you Mr. Andrew Boon
Wow, so sorry this is happening so close to the holidays! God will provide... just make sure to thank him! (Which I'm sure you are!) Will add your family onto our prayer list! -tdp
Best wishes for you and family. What a great family you have to keep smiling under such circumstance. Life will throw curve balls, but how we react to them shows how strong our resolve is to sustain happiness.
Terribly sorry to hear this news Andrew. So glad you guys walked away with everything that matters. Hope you have the best turn around possible.
Wishing you guys all the best!
Glad to hear that you and your family are safe. My prayers go out to you.
God bless you guys! Any loss cause a huge jump up later. Keep head up, much more gonna come back for sure. We are here if you need anything.
I'm late on this one but so sorry to hear about this. Good to hear your family is safe.
oh god , really so sorry to here this type of happened. The god save good guy's always may god bless you.
Holy shit!.... just seen this after being off for the last week...
So glad you all got out safe, sounds like just in the nick of time!
Sorry for your losing the house and content though, that sucks.
Hope you had insurance to cover everything? If not, you know there's a community here that can help...
OMG! good new your family and you are ok now Andrew!.
Thanks for sharing with all the community and remind us no one is safe even when it seems we are! (even the boonexers ;)
Glad you all are ok. My family's prayers are with you and yours. Gods speed.
Wishing you an your family the very best and glad to see your spirits high. Strength is an incredible thing and you possess it.
Security comes first! Every week I tell these words to my students.Glad you all are OK.God bless you.
Glad that you and your loved ones are safe and sound, and still smiling! It shows the strength of your heart and faith! Much blessings and well wishes to you!
That's a great photo... all smiles after such an ordeal! You guys rock!
"Lessons learned - keep your kids close to you, fire alarms checked, doors open and files in the cloud. Be nice to your community and help people in need. No matter how secure you feel - it may all crumble overnight. Treasure every moment you have with your loved ones."
Nicely stated... thank you for sharing. Seems that many people often forget (denial?) just how fragile our lives can be and that our long-term health is far more important than our possessions. Paul :-)
My prayers go out to you and your family.
Just saw this post. So glad you and your family are OK. Thank you for all of the work you have done.
Sorry to hear about your home but I am glad everyone is safe. Thank you for sharing your positive attitude.
glad to see you in good health
Sorry to hear about your home but I am glad everyone is safe. Thank you for sharing your positive attitude.
Tears of Joy... to see all of you blessed and secure. Boonex family and friends in my heart, i came at website in between but remember all of you all the time.

Wishing Smiles, Peace n Joy :)
Late for lunch.. just heard (read)of your tragedy...
Despite a hard to face loss you have a lot to be thankful for.

Glad you all survived.

God Blessed you and yours. You have a beautiful family.
May He continue to bless you all.
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