sneha  Premium Popular 745 points (86% positive, 14% negative)
registered 10.01.09

All my mods are coming with free installation service.

Nothing found.
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Thx all work great!
I bought your module, please it is not compatible with dolphin7.3 please upgrade so that i can redownload and install or please refund me my money. Thank you
Can't get it to work. Followed attached directions and no go! Very disappointed..
Can't get it to work or show up in admin. I followed attached directions and no luck. Very disappointed..
First time buying from this developer , however very impressed by how easy and smooth the installation went. Great job guys, I will get more modules from you soon. Thanks again
I have followed the instructions after installation and this module is not working for D7.1.4 I did tried to contact vendor by 3 times with no luck so far, sneha would you like to answer my messages please. The module is not working at all. the readme.txt state the module is D 7.1.x compatible. (auto_city_lookup - Auto City Lookup for Dolphin 7.1.x)
Hi Guys , I just started using this modul ,but I have a problem.
I am going to Moduls and then to Social Discount on Membership and I do set it up and save the changes.
The problem is that when I go to my web site, nothing shows me that I can share with social networks .Am I doing something wrong ?
Can you mail to with the details of error you got?
Its seems doesn't work.
Can you help me?
Can you mail to with the details of error you got?
This Module is outdated and cannot be used with current versions. DO NOT BUY if you have current version.
i install it, ok.. it's takepics, but i can't add them to my foder (of my choice)
And i get no answer after asking to the seller...

and now i see this: Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in /home/busimatch/domains/ on line 527
Gonzo83left feedback on Who Visited Me6th of May 2013
Great mod, thanks!
For style compatibility with Dolphin 7.1 edit the following in the file who_visited.php:

Line 55: replace
<div class="browse_thumb" style ="float:left;margin:0 0 10px; overflow:hidden; width:122px; position:relative;">
<div class="dbContent bx-def-bc-margin">

Line 96: replace
<div class="browse_thumb" style ="float:left;margin:0 0 10px; overflow:hidden; width:122px; position:relative;">
<div see more class="dbContent bx-def-bc-margin">
Im not happy with this and i want my money back it cost more than $12 to use this this is BS!
I love it, I have it running on Dolphin 7.1.1 :-)
Any fix for 7.1?
Does this work in 7.1?
does not install please help
Hello, can I get a refund on this module please? I have just purchased it and there was no information that 12$ in not the final price, which I find quite unfair. Thank you.
Simple mod, Simple installation ( a couple code placements in a couple files). Works great as intended. Really enjoy seeing this information on the homepage. Gives people a quick visual and works great. Place this about anywhere. I placed my in a different section of the header than install instructions suggested to better flow with my design. Easy 5 bucks to spend.
hi, im trying to replace the login window with this module, but cant, any idea if its possible?
can you please give me more details via message? So I can help you!
I get: "Cannot install module from "thakkertech/fetch_images/" directory Failed"
possible reason is you have uploaded module in wrong directory!
hi sneha, can you please help me, i got the module in just fine and got all the things working with all the keys and everything but twitter is not working. i got the keys in right for it and everything but when i sign in with the account it loads then gives a red box with an error message thing. can you please fix this problem?
can you please reply via message here, with your site details. So I can help you better? is not working. I can't get it to work. please help
This code was abandoned by google.. it will NEVER work again.
This mod is a total mess and doesn't perform right at all. Even the own developer couldn't get it to work right on my website. I wouldn't suggest this mod to anyone. If you just want your own twitter code then just add it through your cpanel , page compose and search for the page you want to add it to.
helped me a lot to transfer my old users who were in a Access db, great mod, thanks
I just want to ask you that I don't need time in your module and from data base , I change the data field ''''' when ''''' in to date only , In data base its showing date only its fine , but on website showing time as well perhaps time is showing

I don't need time I just need date only please tell me how I can amend the code ....

Fraz Awan
I bought this module a few days ago. I am unable to install it and I get no answer from their support address that came with the module or from their website. Not happy at all.
you uploaded it to wrong nested directory so it was not showing to you, I have corrected all for you. Please write email here or on my personal id incase you need support anytime.

I can't get this to work. Please contact me in a message and show me how. Your instructions that came with the download did not work.

Perfect !!!
Only problem with this seller is no resolve, and you end up chasing refund via; Also if you have a issue, post review or else they will delete download link so you don't have option to post review.
I have to buy this mode so i can post review that I tried csv mode and its screwed my site.. and she just have no answer to it. Same way, her modes don't advise version.. pay with and go one mod at a time and if that works then only buy other.. is best i can suggest.
Also this mod see more don't work on my site.
hi its giving me a error of can't connect to database.
can you please review and respond to email sent yesterday
Can U Urgent install RPX for I have got Live Join from Martin boi but it doesnt work and neither is he answering my requests. If yes I can immediatly buy ur mod!!
there is no such function? I have used the search replace tool and no such functions


find below line of code

foreach ($aVars as $sKey => $sValue)


if ($sValue != '' && $sValue != 'default' && $sValue != '-1')

$aTmpStyle[$sPage][$sTarget][$sKey] = process_db_input($sValue, BX_TAGS_STRIP);


above this add

if (isset($_POST['twitter_embed']))
see more $twitter_embed = $this->_oDb->addTwitter($_POST['twitter_embed'], $this->iUserId);

Sneha did a wonderful job customizing the Google Map for me! Very professional and delivered as promised.
Hi Sneha

How are you I hope you are fine , I am Fraz Awan I purchased on module from you who viewed my profile,

I have some issues in boonex will you please give me some support for rid off these issues from my website , I will be very pleased with you if you can support me in these issues , if you can give me your skype address so I can easily discuss with you on these issues , ok , I will pay you for your support please give me good rates on which I can work with you ,,,, my skype address see more is below

links-disti <<< skype id >>>

ok I am waiting for you responce .

Two Very Important Issues are listed below.......

1 - Admin wants to hear user sound when its in disapproved section. (Right now when user upload sound files its come in to disapproved section and when admin going to hear to so its show an error that file is not approved , Without admin hearing sound how could allow to permit for website. every single part of sound admin will hear it and than approved it . so for hearing sound in disapproved section its very essential.

2 - When user add video from his own PC its come in admin section as well as in user section admin can allow it permission easily but when admin and user going to play the video is its shown an error
Invalid video ID :
But on you tube embed video its player is working properly , will you please assist me in these cases.

USER >>>>>>> salman
PASSWORD >>>>>> pppppppppp
This is a con -

Firstly it does not tell you that you can only have 6 apps or you need to pay at least $10 per month, also the app Id information is outdated, most of the social networks have changed their processes and this is now outdated.

Waste of $12, not impressed at all

make sure you fully understand this mod before you buy it and check his website out fully to understand potential costs.

And why do i need to keep on writing to complain, enough is said already without having to see more make up to 200 characters.
I think it is time to update this mod to the latest Dolphin Version or remove it.
Hi i wud like you to do some modifications on my site. Pls let me know if you are interested.
It's a good idea. BUT It does not fit into my column. We need to be able to adjust the width or center it in the block.
X Productions
I did these steps and its messing with my index
Can you mail to with the details of error you got?
Very needed mod...the only question is..why this function is missing in Dolphin? Boonex have to buy this mod for future Dolphin version. Congrat Sneha and many thanks for your friendly support. I will buy again from you!
Hello someone could help me configure it and tried but I do not go out and do not understand why someone would be so kind to explain step by step please my mail is
FAQ is available here only for registered users
Its run good on my Site! Great Work! ThX
i dont know i tried that but it wont work for me then i have to work by myself to work on my website.
I'm still having trouble finalizing this and need additional support, I'm in my Janrain account but I have no idea what to do at this point, please help as I know you will and have from the start?
sneha did it..and she was very helpful in do it for was much better to ask sneha to do it... so fell free to buy this mod and ask her for installation and set up.. Also, sneh helped clearing some wrong info given to me by the gigya people due to my misunderstanding.. The Gigya Platform service (which the module uses) is free for: 1) Non-Production testing and evaluation purposes 2) Production use purposes, so long as not more than one thousand (1,000) unique member site users authenticate see more via the services in any calendar month. To learn more, please read the Gigya Member Agreement at:
cu2dayleft feedback on Who Visited Me29th of May 2011
Ohw no, I was so happy to found this and I bought it straight away. But then I read what Skebab said. And I totally agree. I wanted this too just for VIP memberships. I hope this is going to be updated soon.
mh... Email Support is very good, i have send a mail and become fast answers.

But the module is very hard. The installation is easy. But the configuration on Gigya is very hard ... you need to config your DNS Server and a many another things...but when you dont know what you have to do ... fail... sorry, but 49$ is here to much... 20$ are ok... i have now a many hours to config all this....

Please write a complete installation docu.
Please check now, the mod is updated with better documentation. To make it more user friendly.
I agree with Webby. I have bought this mod unfortunately but with some GIGYA config issues, I decided to uninstall this mod until this mod is updated with better instructions.
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.