AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.5.0

Added: 07.10.11

Updated: 02.12.19

Category: Core Changes

Tags: extensions, aqb soft, auto, automatic, mail, automail, birthday, notification, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

This module allows you to automate mailsending. It is a tool for keeping your members connected to your site by sending them automatic emails at a certain conditions/events. In other words this module allows you to create a so called automail, which is automatically being sent to all members who met selected criteria and at a configured date(s).Main features list:
  • Ability to create unlimited number of automails.

  • Supports multiple languages.

  • Allows to filter targeted profiles by:    Status    Membership Level    Profile Type (if PTS Basic or PTS Premium is installed)          Country    Sex    Age    Missing Avatar

  • Allows to schedule automails at:    Every X day(s)    Day X since profile registration    Day X since profile latest activity    Day X before membership level expiration    Exact Date (annually if necessary)    Member's Birthdaywhere X - number of days - is a configurable parameter.

  • Ability to configure time (server's cron job schedule) at which emails should be queued.

  • Ability to choose delivery method: via email and/or via site's mailbox. In case messages are sent to site's inbox admin's acount is used as sender and also Spy module (if installed) notifies a member about new message as usual.

  • (new) Ability to automatically grant points to your members on a certain occasions (birthday, holidays, etc) if our Points Global Points System module is installed on your site.

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Wow, just an other very good mod from Anton. Easy install and friendly use. Must to have. Thank you!!
You are welcome and thank you for the review. :)
Great work. A mod that you simply must have. Super support for issues, quick and efficient response. Thank you
There are quite a few similar modules in the market.
Some only with birthday reminders, some only with inactivity reminders, and others only with not logged in within xx days reminder.
AntonLV's Automailer mod has it all!!! All the features, all the configurable settings and best of all, super great support!!! (i've worked with several vendors and AntonLV's support is really the most helpful, fastest, and comprehensive...simply the best!)
100% must buy!!
Thank you VERY much!!! We greatly appreciate your opinion.
Awesome Service and Mods this is a must have to keep your community aware
of new things and stay well connected. Anton is fast and very Professional!
Keep up the Great work!
Thanks. We greatly appreciate your opinion!!!
Great Module, now i can follow very well my users!

Only one request, in the "CURRENT AUTOMAIL" page is it possible to add a test email button send to admin only?

I think that this button is necessary to check and view a preview mail before activate follow up, thanks!

Happy new year, Anton!

Possible. Done. :)
To update your module just download the new package, extract it's contents and upload to your server. Then recompile module's language in modules section and clean templates cache at admin's dashboard.
Or just uninstall the old one and install the new one.
Happy New Year!
Hello Anton, Just purchased this mod, not used it yet. I thought sending a test email to Admin was already incorporated into the version I downloaded. Where and how to use it to send a test email to admin before sending to members?
It can be used by pushing the "Test" button which is located on the automails list page. I updated the screenshot now so you can see that button on the first screenshot in the description above.
One of the best admin mods i have seen yet, saves time and keeps your members informed at all times, thank you!!!
You are welcome. :)
Thank you for the review.
This works great and just as described. A very needed mod. Will make things so easy for regular communications.
I would make two suggestions for future.
1)There should be a way to send messages immediately to the selected criteria so if we just wanted to send out a mass email, you could do that.
2) There should be a away to select the from address so if we wanted to not give out the admin address or wanted it to go to a do-not-reply address, to help prevent spam.

Otherwise great mod!!!
Thanks for your suggestions.
1) Automailer isn't supposed to be used as a massmailer. For massmailing Dolphin has a massmailer module. That is why that funciton is missing. However if for some reason you really needed to use it as a massmailer then you can use a small trick, by deactivating all automails except the one which must be sent right now and setting the time of the automailer's scheduler to the current time + 1 or 2 minutes, and then after 2-3 minutes reverting everything back.
2) Actually see more while sending to the external email it uses a site's address as From: field, i.e. address which was set at [admin panel -> settings -> basic settings]
Easy to install and works great, I really needed this feature for my site!
Hi Anton, In my line of business it is always a problem reminding members about things even saying Happy Birthday. This mod made my life a lot easier and at least now members will get messages when they are supposed to get it. :-) Tx, Anton a 5Star for this one.
You are VERY welcome and thank you for the review.
Hi Anton,

great Job with this Module ;-) - it would be nice to have a List of Variables to use withe the Automailer .

Greetz Nico
Hi Nico,

You can see that list if you will mouse over the blue exclamation info icon at the bottom of the message body textarea.
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.