Dolphin 6.1.5

Andrew Boon posted 20th of April 2009 in . 84 comments.

We planned to release 7.0 first, but since it still needs about 2 months of work, and since we have a handful of critical bug-reports for the current version, we decided to release 6.1.5 as soon as next week.

It's a very quick update, so only critical issues will be addressed. Please report bugs found in 6.1.4 here and we'll update the list in the Trac.

The 6.1.5 milestone is now added to Trac.

We still plan to release a bigger 6.1.x update after 7.0, but this one is needed urgently, so we couldn't wait.

With 6.1.5 we plan to change our license pricing and will do license transfers. A new licensing policy will be used for Dolphin too.

Waiting for your reports.

Please login to post a comment.
good to hear.

pagination in groups does not work.

pagination on friends list does not work.

Ray IM, if you make it full screen and then shrink it, the text input box and enter key cover the video control buttons and profile image in lower right of IM

more to follow

my account does not work! TRAC/DOLPHIN

login and password.. !!

sorry for the inconvenience, but I can not use your interface to give you the error reports. or gave me an email for the reports of Beug.
it said post your bugs here,

you dont have access to enter TRAC, this is for staff and developers only
100 photo limit on profiles needs to be removed,
infact all media limits need to be removed, as old members have filled their quota on my site and its set to the maximum.

there seems to be a limit to the size of emails that can be sent, and they are sent with 1/2 the content missing. and no warning that they are to long.

ray chat should have cookies to save peoples font settings in chat and IM
I totally agree with sammie here.
Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/betterne/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php on line 249

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/betterne/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php:249) in /home/betterne/public_html/inc/ on line 502

This error shows when you try and edit an event.

Private groups still show forum and members. Instead of the group being private.

Error see more messages occur in admin advanced settings when I click on save:

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/betterne/public_html/admin/global_settings.php on line 800
Watermark settings saved.

Is anything going to be done to address the incompatibility of the Firefox version of the Google toolbar on Dolphin and Ray.

If the Google toolbar is in use in Firefox then half the Ray modules do not work correctly.

And the spell checker in the Google toolbar wreaks havoc on tiny_mce text area box which is used everywhere throughout Dolphin. Perhaps the FCKeditor would be a more compatible choice.

Given the huge popularity of the Google toolbar, esp here in the US given I do not know how see more popular it is everywhere else, it seem inconceivable to ask someone to remove the Google toolbar just to use the site.

This issue to me is something that must be addressed.
yes same problem - I deleted the chat site
I think alot of people had given up on developing their 6.1.4 version and wait for the v7. V7 looks a great product and i don't think the 6.1.5 would be anywhere near it. And again in the beginning of the v7, we were told that it will be possible to upgrade from 6.1.4 to v7. So my question is do we really need it?

Having said that i'm very happy with the efforts you have put to get the products where they are. Keep it up.
yes it is needed, i pushed hard for Boonex to make a 6.1.5 for people that have invested a lot of money on mods that want to keep their 6.1.X sites. its good to hear there will be a 6.1.6 too.
ajax remember me login needs to be fixed. as stated in a new blog post.
Please adjust affiliate system for this version!
This is also an important issue, no doubt!
I also like the idea of 6.1.5. I am finding it difficult to create a 'business application' with 6.1.4. Sooner, we get 6.1.5 better it will be.

I started using this product just over a month back, but I simply love it. However, a lot more effort is required is to stabilize it. How can we contribute and help the steering team? I vote along with Sammie and Kinuthia
you can buy a contributor star to support Boonex here:
Any graphical update also?
Thank you. Good news.
On default (root) page, if you turn off drop menus when user is not logged in, the header seems to spin images quickly and then images won't autorotate with promo flash reloader. Atleast one menu item (I used 'home") must be enabled as a workaround, but it makes the page look goofy.
At Ray, profile video never did work on my site proper, even after Rayz from Expertzzz went over it to fix my video chat.
mine doesn't work either.
a clear and concie server setting and requirements, i.e. what is the Boonex server php.ini settings? copy n paste it so we can see.
mbstring have a lot of settings that affect orca and groups and also other things, it is the cause of some of the missing text after someone uses a letter with a hyphen over it, the rest of the post is missing on the standard install and settings for mbstrings, this is why we all need to sing from the same hymbook.

type of server. Dolphin installer will not accept see more an install on SuPHP servers unless you change all the file and folder permissions, as SuPHP servers dont need to be set to 777 or 666 to write, there should be a skip button on the permissions page of the installer.

the auto installer installs just fine on SuPHP servers but sets sets permission to 666 and 777, this is clearly not needed on SuPHP servers.
PM's you can read PM's sent if you change the url to another members id, this whole pm system needs to be secure, even though you dont know the names, you can read them and work out who they are by their writing styles.

unread messages in ray im and others, can be read via the database, they should be encrypted as they are private and personal, so no need for a webmaster to have access to the messages in the clear, its the same as passwords in the clear,

Ray chat, admin should have the choice see more to enter the chat in either visible or invisible mode to see trouble makers
You can upgrade the flash video and music uploader. So it stops showing the Alert- undefined error on higher versions of flash
Flash image loader on main page frequently shows the images off centre. Check for an example.
If it doesn't do it the first time just refresh and you'll see it eventually.
I have been using Dolphin for just over a year and a half now and currently run 6.1.4. Here are the issues I have noticed:

* Firefox 3 and Safari are not fully compatible with Ray: Noticable issues - chat / IM do not always work, Presence does not always load, Ray widgets tend to lose license information in the admin panel.

* Admin Panel / Moderation: In Dolphin 5 we used to have breakdown of unconfirmed, rejected, suspended, etc.. In 6 we only have inactive or active categories making it see more difficult to know who is in what state. I got around this by borrowing some of the older code from Dolphin 5.

* Orca: Spacing between paragraphs is a problem.

* Orca: Number of topics and number of posts are always the same number in the stats - one should be larger right?

* Member search: If you use the search feature, the results do not truncate the user description, I don't know if this is by design or not but if a user has a massive description, the entire text will display in the results pane.

There are additional issues I have come across but these have been because of my own customization. The above are the main things I would love to see fixed in the next release, oh and it would be wonderful if there were a way to disable stats of features you don't use from the statistics panel.

Keep up the good work Boonex! ... and let us in on the new licensing pricing soon please :)
the security issue with the guestbook needs to be addressed. i think this was posted on the forum, that it was vulnerable, and immediately afterwards, sites were hit hard and heavy with spam bots.

quote of the day needs to be fixed.

rayz suite and RMS configuration needs to be attended to and not write to a flat file, and be able to communicate with a mysql database.

double posting in the av chat room.

forceable IM sessions without invite or notice.

remove Desktop from the for sale see more list, and remove it from the application, it does not work, Rayz has said it doesnt work and no plans on fixing it, remove it.

all of those file permissions that shouldnt have to be changed on the install that you have set to 755, that get changed to 777, same with 644 that are changed to 666, there are 80+ files that have to have the file permissions changed, and then they are not changed back, why not be able to upload the script with minimal chmod requirements.

implement an install for mods and addons, keeping the core files intact except in extreme cases. i know this is pliable, as joomla, php-nuke, postnuke, mambo, e107 and many more CMS's are able to hold their core files while allowing for mods to be implemented across the script.

page compose does not work and has not worked, can we get this fixed, instead of having to do a sql injection to make that work.

events and calendar have been a huge success on many sites, and to have a more advanced feature with calendar and events would be a good thing.

multiple admins created from admin panel, that are able to admin (not moderators) but admins, that can admin RAY would be a good thing, at the present time, you can create many admins, and the admins can login to the site and perform several tasks, but if they login to admin of Ray AV Chat, the primary admin that was created on install will be the admin name that goes into AV Chat admin.

task tracking of additional admins, task tracking of moderators.

implement google checkout. this is becoming a very widely acceptable means of payment.

newsletter creation from admin panel needs to be a little more advanced, and be able to utilize PDF files.

ok i guess thats enough for now, i will think on this and may come back.

When a member log in and has unread IM messages (RayImPendings), messages are displayed with the current time (must be the date and time when the messages was sent).

This is confusing because the reader of such IM message is thinking that the sender is online...
Match percents displayed have strange values...

Hudge number of Cupid mails are generated (the same hudge number of MySQL errors too) and none is sent.
Problem with ' quotes and " double quotes when using the Admin mass mailer.
Plz specify where this problem appears? From this tool allows paste any symbols to mass mailer without any DB errors.
I forgot to mention in my earlier post:

Logins - If you login using the ajax popup, you are redirected back to the index page. If you login through the form you are directed to the member.php. Surely both should redirect to the same place, preferably member.php?
Both Profile and Shared big size images (not about Ko or even Mo, but hudge number of pixels width and/or height) don't upload (white in Admin moderation).
Please Andrew, could BoonEx post these bugs fixes one by one rather than to publish a whole script patch ?
(Or maybe will these bugs fixes be easy to find in Trac - Dolphin - Timeline ?)
If we are planning on upgrading to 7.x will we need to upgrade to 6.1.5 first? Would there be any benefit to stepping through the releases?
When guests view a profile they cannot see the actions block, yet just like the security issue with the guest book, a greeting can be sent to anyone as long as you know the member id. If fact, I think web crawlers like googlebot are triggering greetings because no confirmation is required.

I think greetings should default to requiring a member be logged in to send it.
I know many have spent heavily in 6.1x mods and are still trying to gain some type of return on that investment. While I am looking forward to Dolphin 7, I am just as excited at the prospect of continuing with a version 6.1.x.

the online status (tab) in the front page is not accurate at all.. what we get from the front page is different from what we see on online members page
when we view the website by using old version of IE, all content is displayed in a single column
IM Raychat doesnt work with some users firefox browser.. it only runs when they use IE.
IM Raychat message alert - the pull down alert (before they connect to im ray chat) will display funny characters when we enter single quote, double quote, semicolon and etc,, it should display the message as it is instead of weird characters.
... and while I am looking forward to Dolphin 8, I am just afraid that unoboonex lost now finally the focus for a success story with dolphin. 7, 8, now 6.15 and nothing will ever finish ..... after being told that the core for 8 is ready and with the right framework modules coming fast with the right framework, I see more and more loosing the focus from 8 to 7 and now backwards to outdated 6,xxx versions. The time for 6.15 was over half year ago - and now slowly after waiting all that time I'm really see more afraid everything goes worst, unfinished and within lost or like MichelSwiss is afraid for, we will have in the end 3 scripts with big potential......
To make dolphin a real success, please focus on 8 with multidomain, make the interim stage on 7 and bring 6xxx versions after V7 release if anybody wants them then.... To update it is really not easy for masses and so for the most site owners, 6.15 will be useless short before 7 in my opinion. And if 7 is out, developers can and will/have to update their mods for 7 to satisfy people who have spent heavily in 6.1x mods
As for me, I will not update my site to 6.1.5. I' m already waiting for 8 too :-))
... and not to forget 7,1 is as well in work.... so 4 scripts/versions


8 - The New Beginning

So, 8 years behind. Versions “8” coming soon. We have high hopes and huge plans. The next year is the BoonEx year!

This was mentioned by unoboonex 232 days ago. And now only 4 months before the next year is finished we start reporting 6xxx bugs. Maybe unoboonex means with the next year the calender year, but anyway, it is 8 months ago.
I have sure nothing against unoboonex or the team. see more I really like them. Because this and my own hopes I want them to be successful and not out of the most important focus. Otherwise the whole thing comes really to a never ending story - and when I see all that suggestions and wishes here for the outdated version - it look strong like it comes to, because it will take lots of power away from the work for the release of 7, not to talk about V8 or even 7.1 .....
Andrew Boon
I know it sounds weird, but things like that always happen with broadly adopted software.

Dolphin 8 is just a new core now. We have framework, engine, core modules. But there's no front-end yet. Even when released it will need at least a year to catch up with Dolphin 7 functionality set.

Dolphin 7, as you see, is close/coming soon, but it is a major upgrade. It needs testing, debugging, tuning, etc. Meanwhile we have thousands of DOlphin sites running on 6.x.

6.1.5 is a "patch" see more if you will, but a very important and much requested "patch". Some active sites will need a few months to move to Dolphin 7 (mods rewrite, design re-integration, DB transfer, etc). but now they have a pack of severe "issues" that need to be addressed ASAP.

Hence, I believe everything is totally fine with our "focus". What you see now is a mix of forward-thinking and customer care.
Unoboonex, thanks a lot for the answer. That explains a lot and give me the possibility to plan new. I hope the best for you and dolphin and that you have stuff and "air" enough for 6.15, 7, 6.16, 7.1 and 8 and that my concern about our all success is arbitrary.

Definitely it looks like that I miss understand or miss interpreted your statement in question about V8 from August 2008:

Versions “8” coming soon.

Anyway, I can understand now much better the situation and I really see more hope that with one of all that coming versions we can archive 100% functionality - and hopefully with 7 or 7.1 then at first, when 8 is now with your actual statement in this post years away from that point.

All the luck for you and the team!!!!!!
@ unoboonex
yes this is great news, i pressed for this, but understood your work with D7 so didnt push for it untill after D7, having said that i am sure a lot of people are greatful that you have brought it forward and this Does show that Boonex listen and take onboard what we say, and it is a huge step in the right directoin for customer care and relations.
very minor bug in ray chat.
the script calls for Bottle.mp3 but the file is named bottle.mp3 (lowercase B) this means it dont work in chat and caused 1000's of 404 errors in cpanel logs.
Don't forget about this big security issue:
There is a bug in the membership levels with restrictions. Even if a user does not have music pload permissions, they can upload music to their profile.
The "Free Mode" is enabled in your case. When it is enabled Membership levels do not operate.
Sorry for stupid question but I still didn't get it about upgrading...

Will there be a upgrade from 6.1.4 to Dolphin 7 or not? With upgrade I mean some web procedure or instruction "how-to".?
The biggest Bugs that I have come across are:

The Guestbooks need major security upgrades (Preferably restricted to Logged In Users only)

Orca has some major problems with Ads from Google, and sometimes OpenX. (Orca will generate a blank page with Out-of-Memory errors)

If you "Enable New Gallery" in the admin area, then you can no longer select a photo from the list and have it display. (The caption appears, but the photos continue to rotate)
Can you please be more specific about the point concerned with "Enable New Gallery"?
If the "Enable New Gallery for Profile Photos" feature is turned on in the Admin area (in Advanced Settings), then when a person views a member profile with photos, the photos cycle in a continuous loop. The thumbnails are shown below the photo gallery, and if a person clicks on a thumbnail, the caption changes, but the large photo continues to loop without showing the photo for the thumbnail that was clicked on.
Decided to realize this, done :)
Date input boxes (calendar control) are not honoring the date format specified in the Admin.

On another note, it would be a good thing (for slower connections) if the RAY video player had a configuration option that would allow an admin to set the amount of buffering the payer must have in memory prior to video playback.

Also, would it be possible to get a confirmation that BOONEX is still planning to open-source the RAY modules and RMS?
I noticed that Trac Entry #614 mentions the message notifications. We really need the ability for this feature to be set by the users in their personal settings as well as globally. (So far I haven't found any way to do this...) Otherwise users may start marking emails sent by the system as "Junk" and we all know how hard it is to get off of an email "Blacklist"!!!
Login doesn't work if browser doesn't allow Meta Redirects or if they're turned off.

Poll questions on the front page are always displayed even if a user has already voted.
TinyMCE should probably be updated to the newest version.
I noticed the Firefox3 with Google toolbar ticket #625 was closed and labeled invalid.

I can reproduce the Ray Presence problem 9 out of 10 times on 4 different machines I have tested it on. That one is obviously a problem. Just log in and click on My Presence. It should fail to load most of the time.

I will have to get more detailed list of specifics for the others. Most of the modules work, but have glitches mostly with editing and administration. I will produce a list when I have the time. see more

It's frustrating that this ticket was closed, the Ray Presence problem have been mentioned in the forums on more than one occasion.
We have an error producing security image on our site. Any Idea how to fix that?
Check your image processor (gd or imagemagick)
I don't know if someone has written this yet, but in frefox, when you are in a language that is not the predifined, and you change pages it goes back to the predifined language.
Example: You have english as predifined and you also have the spanish language avaliable. If you press spanish the language will apear in spanish, but if you go to a different page, it goes back to english. Also, when you receive a kiss from someone and you click the email to send one back, it would be nice if you could see more login right in that page...
By the way, dolphin is great... hehehe
Please make sure if "Cookies" are enabled in your browser.
When login as Admin and want to add classified from site it shows the message....

You are not currently an active member. Please ask the site administrator to make you an active member so you can use this feature.

How Admin is not an active member. Admin must enter in any area and can add, delete or modify things.

If we login as member and add classified or other things, again and again we have to login as Admin, as Member to post, check and modify.
The profile slideshow feature does nto work in IE and therefore is totally useless - please fix this one as its a great feature! It freezes up with the images overlapping. Also the titles do not change with the pictures!
The submenu that displays off the main nav menu has problems. Sometimes it is impossible to click the submenu because it disappears.
I have set the menu to two lines and the top row of items cannot use the submenu at all because they are wiped out before you get to them.
Also - some submenus become the default and display all the time whether the main item is selected or not.
In short - the current system is full of bugs - please fix it!
Ray music player on profile pages - please make it adjust its hieght to the number of tracks or else make it half the height. It takes up FAR too much space when a member has only one or two tracks!
What happened to my other post here about the problems with the navigation sub menu display - especially if you set it to use two rows?
As well as the submenus being unusable because they disappear when you try to click them - I sometimes get one submenu frozen on all the time. Really bad look as it effects all visitors!

How about some pagination on this forum too guys??
Someone on Expetzzz is selling a mod to allow members to remove other peoples comments from their profiles. This is essential functionality that should not require a mod!
tags for videos are not shown eve tho there are videos :)
Classifieds (list of latest) on index.php has no headline...
With groups, blogs and forums when someone adds a paragraph it does not work unless you hit enter a few times. Otherwise you end up with one very long text.

In forums, admin should be given the option to move posts to the right forum topic. I have posts in my forum which is in the wrong place.

What's the point of having a buy option in events and classifieds if people can't actually purchase anything.
If you upload an image to a group gallery and then try to embed that image in a forum post for that group, tinyMCE or something else breaks the path so the image is not displayed. I think its some kind of relative path bug.
Pagination on 'my events' doesn't work. When clicking on page 2, user is redirected to 'all events' page...

Same problem with 'search events' when chosing a specific country...
This is a strange one. I'll try to explain in detail so you can recreate.

Lets say you have a fresh dolphin install and this line in inc\ reads as follows.

$site['url'] = "";

no www in the url.

The you log into the site checking the box to remember you.

So now the site will automatically log you in because a cookie has been set.

Now lets say later you change that config line to add a www to the url like so.

$site['url'] see more = "";

Once this is done you cannot logout. At least in IE7 you can't. For some reason because the url has changed it seem the cookie cannot be deleted when you log out.

Thus people are forced to manually remove their cookies.

I would call this a bug.
Hello deano92964!

This is no a bug. Dolphin work with url from installation moment. So if you made url without www - site will work with this url, without 'www'. In exists redirect system which will prevent users to use URL site with another prefix (without www in this case) - see code from //check correct hostname comment.

Is anyone still monitoring this thread? I notice new bugs have been added here, but not in the Trac system...
I noticed that the Trac was empty and has been for some time but no updated release as of yet. I am being patient here, but a bit curious, since it has been a full week almost since it was predicted it would come out this week, are things still looking to go this way?
mini bug - but unpleasant

Customize Profile - changed font family

background image of the site will change to a blank page - and you lose the background image
for those who remain to 6.1.5 - it would be nice if it is possible to integrate a little like Ray Dolphin 7 - on any profile for videos
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.