Ongoing Update

Andrew Boon posted 4th of August 2010 in . 56 comments.

Right now we are updating and Unity. This time we decided to do it in a few stages to make sure it's manageable. So, for now we are upgrading design part and main Unity modules. Forum upgrade will follow in a day or two, and then new moderation features.

It will take some time to tune some of the features, but your reports are very welcome anyway.

If the new Forum software proves to be stable, we'll be very close to Dolphin 7.0.3 too.

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Nathan Paton
I like the new look. I've also taken a look at the new video. I do have some gripes, such as with you advertising an Android app when you've yet to release such a thing. However, I do like how you clearly discussed the linkbacks and licenses. Regarding agents, though, I sincerely hope you look into the system, as it is greatly flawed. Labeling it as "way better than your typical support" is far from true, unfortunately.
Andrew Boon
Android App is coming really soon and everyone who's downloading Dolphin or buying licenses now will be getting it.
Nathan Paton
Also, regarding the "100% open source" claim, that seems a bit far-fetched, seeing as how parts of the code is encoded and not editable.
Andrew Boon
The only part that's "encoded" is the license verification. Nothing functional is encoded. I would call it 100% open-source, since the script per se, is open source and the license verification is an "extra" procedure to make sure it legitimately installed.
So I can remove license links / footers without paying for a license?

Need some HR's in the blogs - it looks like one big mashed post.
Andrew Boon
Clean cache and reload. Blogs look perfectly fine for me from 4 browsers.
Submit button requires 3/4 presses to work.

I strongly disagree with testing on public - IMHO it's not professional - Beta test should be pravate only - It doesn't make Boonex look good.

Will moderators avatars appear on the left too?

Nathan Paton
I suppose I am nitpicking at things regarding the open source percentage. It's true, that nothing feature-wise is encoded (unless you want to call those banners a feature, I'd prefer to at least be able to style them). However, it's still a part of the code, so technically, parts of the code is still encoded. I'm wondering what your stance is on at least decoding the Base64-encoded portions to at least know what's going on fully with your website.

Regarding the Android app, you've been saying see more that it's "coming really soon" for months now. I'm not saying that you're lying, but you guys should really consider picking your words more carefully. For example, you had a habit of hinting at Dolphin 7's release every month or so, and we both know how that worked out.

I notice you've moved AntonLV to a new place called "independent agents". Does this mean that you will be bringing on other members to become agents, too? If so, this is definitely a step in the right direction towards making the agents system work, as having only five people to hundreds of customers each isn't very efficient.

I've had a chance to test the latest improvements to Orca, and there are many improvements that will certainly make the script usable again. I believe with this latest update, many of the gripes concerning Orca will be done away with. I'm glad to see that Orca was not abandoned, and is now receiving the work it needs.

I don't typically mind it when people work on their websites "live", as I enjoy seeing the work progress. I suppose you can consider it as a "private showing" of sorts, especially when it's done late at night when few are on.
Andrew Boon
Yes, Independent Agents is designed to allow non-BoonEx people to work as Agents. It's a complicated issue (payments, data access, commissions, etc), so it may take some time to test and polish, but basically, we're trying to bring up more people to support.

Links... in the video we tried to be very clear on how links/licenses thing works and encoding of this procedure seems only natural to me, but we will consider making it more open.

Good to know that you like Forums improvements. Besides see more new features, it works much faster now.
I really like - very good navigation and fast - with the content of the pages are clear - it gives a serious and professional site - bravo
@magnussoft - it is middle of day here
Nathan Paton
@DeeEmm: I was referring to myself in regards to "late at night". It's magical for me, odd for the rest of you.
@magnussoft I forget that you only perceive things from within the confines of your own psyche.
Nathan Paton
@DeeEmm: We all have our own little happy place. Mine is filled with penguins who sing Sinatra.

Also, I see you've further changed the look of the pages. The headers look a lot better with the images moved to the side, removing all that empty space. I'm also liking the updating market page. Keep it up.
it's looking better, I was very shocked initially - clearing the cache made it a lot better - If you could have seen what i saw, you would understand why I commented so harshly in Magnus's squares thread.

Where is the new Orca? did you get a sneak preview?

Nathan Paton
@DeeEmm: I have a SVN installation, and at the end of each day, I checkout the latest revision to ensure I remain up-to-date. The forum improvements have been committed for a little over a week now, and if you download the latest revision, you'll have it, too. Just a warning though, it's still rough around the edges.
Ahh I see.

i think i will hold out until it's a bit nearer. Already need a few extra hours in the day as it is.

Font is tooooooo small, I can hardly read what's on the pages. Clear cache as well ? Or do I need binoculars ? Or ... am I just getting old :-(
looks very smart....i like it
Could someone just tell me how to get to: sesame street? Seriously the fonts are a little small, guess one could magnify their browser settings. Doesn't seem all that much different, then again I don't hang out here as much as some, to maybe notice it.
Could someone just tell me how to get to: sesame street? Seriously the fonts are a little small, guess one could magnify their browser settings. Guess I am getting old and going blind too there annabel. Some serious squinting going on. But a lot of this site has been like that for some time now. Unity doesn't seem all that much different, then again I don't hang out here as much as some, to maybe notice it. Or...maybe they are saving the good stuff for later or the blessed ones.
I spend quite a lot of time on the forum pages, but with these small fonts I get headaches.
Andrew Boon
Ok, we will make forts larger. Sorry about that.
Will you be adding download counts for items in the market? I kinda like to know how many downloads have occured on my free products. Helps me to judge how popular it is. It was available on expertzzz but never was here and i miss that feature.
Will you be switching on the simple messenger?
Nathan Paton
A messenger would be a welcomed addition, as it can be easier than using private messages. However, with this new form of communication, you should seriously consider allowing people to set others to ignore.
Please, please, pretty please with sugar on top, give Orca forum posts pagination.

** I don't know what all these old geezers are talking about. The font size is just fine.
LoL to houstonlively, I do believe you came a bit late :-)

It looks really inviting now and I'm sure we all will be happy some day!

The speed improvements are dearly welcome as well as the new forum. I did the SVN on a test site and its a improvement. I'm looking forward to get the end result :-)

I'm with Dolphin and dearly like the smiles I get when I read some comments sometimes which go from one to another :-)
Keep it up guys!
Okay am I old also and blind? I can not find the trac link any wheres now,.
Nobody seems to care, but shouldn't members listed in the top traders block in the market, have something greater than zero market posts to qualify for a listing in this spot? Five out of the twenty listed in this block have zero market posts. That takes up space that is probably better deserved by traders that have active market posts.
It looks great so far.

Issues I've noticed (pre-existing)

~ Still can't use back button in forums.
~ Still have a huge amount of flicker in bottom menu bar - IE8
The only thing missing from "open source" for me is all the code behind for the flash apps. Would be nice to be able to remove some things from the flash apps when needed or even add some stuff....

Are the forums any better in the svn. I know i had to add alot of missing files to get the svn versions to install for the last week or so ?
Andrew Boon
Flash apps source code is available in SVN.
The new interface looks pretty cool and neat... I liked it. Just one suggestion, the second menu i.e. Home, Market, Forums etc looks too crumbled and I personally liked the way it was before :)

Great going ... waiting for 7.0.3

I like the new look....but some things are screwed up in my browser
Andrew Boon
UPDATE: The new Forum will go live on Monday. It has some new pages that make updating a little more tricky than usual and we don't want to leave it for a weekend.

Today we'll be fixing some little issues, like small fonts, broken links, etc. It is possible that moderation tools will be added today too.

Dolphin 7.0.3 is almost ready to go, but we want to see how forum behaves on Unity before releasing it, so it's another week to go, I suppose.
Nathan Paton
@theguypc: They haven't updated Unity's Orca installation yet. Andrew mentioned it may be a few days.

@dolphin_jay: I'm surprised that you didn't know about the Flash apps source files before now. :p The forums in the latest revision are much better, and the back button actually works now. I posted a new topic about this in the betas and RCs forum. Nevertheless, there is still work to be done, but Orca is one step closer to being where it needs to be.
Greate Job >> Boonex I see a lot good changes on the site and the site is loading mora faster than before

I love the carttons on the template for each link looks nice

I want to know who design those carttons maybe I need some one to design some cartoon for my site for a spanish community

PM please
Got lots of recommendations for Orca, but guess top of my list would be private forums.

Private forums are aggregated in the Forum RSS feed, and the spy - this applies to both the normal forums, and forums that are part of a private group.

it will be possible to upgrade - 6.1.6 to 7.0.3 ?
Nathan Paton
@danielmarseille: You like ignoring your forum topics, don't you?
@Magnussoft - I do not understand what you said
Nathan Paton
@danielmarseille: You asked the same question before in a topic you created in the forums and ignored both replies. The answer you seek lies there.
@Magnussoft - if it bothers you not - I'd like to have confirmation of bonnex -
sorry - I express myself badly - not upgrade - 6.1.6 to 7.0.3

but migration with the migration module

I want to know

If the migration module operates to pass - D6.1.6 to D7.0.3
Nathan Paton
@danielmarseille: I have no problem with you seeking confirmation with BoonEx. You may want to message someone like AlexT for that, since private messages are a sure-fire way to get in contact with him.
Boonex, where is the trac link? Did we hide it so others can not see it? Is this to keep us from seeing how far the new release is NOT coming?
Boonex site looks more alive :)
@Lightwolf - the Trac is still there lol, look in Support section and you'll see it at the top right of the page.
Thanks wolf2217..I looked all over except
Another suggestion that is maybe easier to implement is when a forum topic problem got sesolved it should be marked as such like with solved in green colour. It's pretty annoying to go through all the topics each time.
Sometimes people want to visit unsolved topics and provide a solution and others want to get an answer to an issues. Two flies in one strike. It should be the OP and/or admin to set to solved.
Nathan Paton
@elcentcom: Issue with the topic author doing it is that they like to delete their posts instead of keeping them after help has been rendered. I suppose you can make a modification to the code to change the topic title to "[Name] - Resolved" whenever the author of a topic deletes all their posts.
Any chance we are getting the tags randomized? Or have the option to make them radomized? I noticed in the demo community it looks like they are still in ABC order and not randomized or listed by most popular..
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.