Dolphin 7.1 Osho (final) Released!

Andrew Boon posted 10th of January 2013 in Boonex News. 64 comments.

Exactly 1111 days after the release of Dolphin 7.0 we're happy to announce the new "feature" update - Dolphin 7.1 Osho. Yes, it took us almost 3 years to make sure Dolphin 7 is stable enough and to create a new set of functionality and design that is now going to be the new flagship. Many web-masters already started using Dolphin 7.1 on their sites since it has been announced as a Beta, so it has been tested and improved sufficiently enough to become officially "production-ready". 


Dolphin 7.1 is available for download via our Start page. Upgrade instructions and scripts are available for those upgrading from 7.0.9 or from 7.1.0.b2


Now, read on to find out what's so cool about 7.1 Osho and start the new journey!



Contagiously Engaging


Whoever stumbles upon your Dolphin-Osho-powered website gets instantly attracted to the site's content presented via variety of browsing options that you control. It's hard to walk out, and visitors join to interact with other members, comment and share. Once they're in, Osho makes sure that connecting with other members is effortless, sharing is addictive, and posting is rewarding.


Osho's streamlined Friendships, social sharing buttons, Facebook integration and notifications name sure that it only takes the right niche, a bit of good content and a few active members to create a site that can become unstoppably viral.


Hey, make sure you got a virtuous reason for people to get hooked, because with Dolphin get hooked they will!



Subtly Beautiful


Osho likes to be humble. It will stay back and let your site's content shine. And, yet your site users will almost subconsciously feel the laconic beauty of the new interface. Their new "retina" iToys or just sensible high-definition screens will let the new vector-based design elements look flawless. No blurry mess that other sites have.


New Timeline in Profiles and in Accounts will give an elegant overview of users activity, while Outline will beautifully present the site's photos, videos, polls, groups... you name it. 


The new interface design of Dolphin 7.1 is all about focusing attention of visitors to the content, while displaying it the best way possible, making them browse and share, amazed!



Truly Mobile


Some people like to visit their favourite sites via mobile browsers, while other much prefer efficiency of native mobile apps. Osho has both types covered. New HTML5-based videos, larger (and fewer) buttons, vector-based UI elements make your sites look and work great on mobile browsers, while native iPhone/iPod/iPad and Android apps offer quick, effective and incredible focused way to access your social network. Whatever your site members prefer - they will have all the tools to interact with your community and your content seamlessly, on any device!



Hundreds (seriously) of other big and small improvements.


In fact we went through every Dolphin module and improved them all, a lot. They're all cleaner, more efficient, better-looking and all-around-cooler now. We even made a list of modules and features for you to marvel. We're excited to share what we've done and believe that the new Dolphin will liven-up social networks all around the world. 

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Congrats everybody on this great milestone! Good to go, Osho, good to go! :)
Andrew Boon
Woot! Woot! Woooot! Great work, team and "extended-team"!
Congrats, excellent news.
Урааа!!! Дождался, наконец то. Ну прям хороший подарок к моему Дню Рождения и Сайта
This is very great news :)
congratulations ! - really a pleasure to work with this version
Congratulations Boonex Team!
Go Dolphin (da Tuna friendly )
Dis lil' ol' bunny is happy dat y'all got yore Osho on! Carrots all round!...................Now, for 7.2 if you could just.......
Great work, thanks Boonex team!
great work, keep it up!
May I ask why it is released as final if there are still bugs left?
Kudo's -- whats next? (g)
Great news! Great Job!
Now the question is; Who can do the upgrade? I'm for one need to upgrade from 7.1 to the final.
I dont belive !!! This is new Year magic !
Congratulations to the whole community! Thank you Dolphin Team for your patience with our impatience
Great job Boonex!
Dr. Akpan
Phenomenal! I can't wait to switch.
Awesome News!! Great job to the BoonEx team. Now, get the timeline module into the mobile apps and we will be good :)
Thank at Lot ! Geat Very Good NEws !!!!
Thanks so much! All of you who worked on this and I've already switched.
Alan Stewart
Good go team.... an honor to be associated with such folks!
nice work, updated my demopage without issues!!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... So proud of myself for deciding to go with dolphin! I love all of this... Especially the mobile site conversion

Good work all the teams involved on this project!!!
Just wondering if the profile type splitter and the searchable fields modules will be compatible with OSHO 7.1!!!
It downloaded and installed easily and works well so far. Good Job. Thanks.
Euhm ... I upgraded from 7.0.9 to 7.1.0
The last part of the upgrade says : IMPORTANT!!! Proceed to apply 7.1.0.B2 patch.
Where do I get this patch ?
Too fast ... too eager :-)

I think I solved the problem, but you should mention in the manual that you have to do the upgrade part 3 times for each time there is another upgrade available.
Wow ... this just looks great !!!
Never could have dreamt 6 years ago that you would come this far.
Congratulations Boonex team.
Second thought ... it looks very nice but ... still lots of problems and bugs :-(
Congratulations to the entire Boonex team. Major, major milestone achieved. Hats off from someone who develops web-based software and understands both the joy and pain (hard work) necessary to achieve significant milestones.

Keep up the good work. On to bigger and better!

Συγχαρητήρια σε ολόκληρη την ομάδα Boonex!
hi im finding uploading music confusing i upload a file and it just vanishes, file seems to goto
Albums administration were it says You have 2 albums(s). Click here to create new album. if i click on albums it shows the file name with no music just a link to a page with no music just a comment box.
Oh well ... no one seems to bother about the forums and problems people have with the 7.1.0
I returned to my 7.0.9 version and will leave it as long as no one seems to care about solving existing problems.
Forum was improved in 7.1, if you still experience some bugs it maybe related to some misconfiguration, try to describe problems in details in the forum.
I'm talking about the bug reports in the forums on
I upgraded from 7.0.9 to 7.1.0 and found some important items not working properly anymore.
Calendar in the join page doesn't work which makes that people can't join anymore. What's the use of having a site which no one can join ?
Quick search doesn't work anymore.
Mandatory photo on joining doesn't work.
Avatars can't be edited or enlarged as soon as they are uploaded.
I gave up after I saw these problems.
So I asked my provider to replace the 7.1.0 to the 7.0.9 again which was working see more fine for me.
I'll come back next year to see whether this Osho has been improved.
I'm disappointed at this moment.
Good luck !
7.1 is usability and bug fixes update, it is not features update, it works better than 7.0.9 in many ways.
Reported problem are already fixed, non-reported will never be fixed (how we know about them?)
AlexT, thanks for your reply. I already reported some problems in the Boonex forum. I think the imposibility to upload a profile photo on subscription (in non-automatic approval mode) is a problem, while it is mandatory on my site. It was possible in 7.0.9, so why change that in 7.1.0 ?
It is working the same way in Dolphin 7.0.x, but we are already looking what we can do about this...
Exactly 1111 days after the release of Dolphin 7.0 we're happy to announce the new "feature" update
One little bug - it is impossible to join with Chrome browser (try to select 'date of birth')
Hi in the uk its law to have a cookies warning this must be a popup warning , will boonex be adding this , many thanks.
Congrats Andrew Boon and everyone on production team. Today Dolphin Osho is definitely the top best software on the market and it has been really well improved. It is a great honor to be a BoonEx user. Thank you.
Hi boonex can you ever add this feature in the admin panel please , were admins can upload a swf file so it creates an embed code so it can be placed on any page of a boonex site , this would be great for creating animated banners and ads , many thanks.
Can you please tell why the ad>subcategory not working?.. (it keep loading) I can't post a ad on demo or either my web...
How secure is Dolphin 7.1? I kept getting spammers.
What is going to happen to the permanet licenses we already have?, i did upgrade from 7 to 7.1, everything is looking great but now I have Boonex links again
Andrew Boon
You should be able to use your license. Just register with the same number and they will go away. All licenses are permanent and work for all versions.
I hope this doesn't mean we have to wait 1111 days to see Dolphin 8 :P
lol work on d8 has begun some 10 years ago, you get the picture now ?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.