RayzTop  3876 (94.4%)

Chat Users Blocker


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 22.01.10

Updated: 17.01.13

Category: Communication

Tags: extensions, flash, plugin, chat, user, block, dolphin 7.1

Demo: http://rayzzz.com/m/chat/home/  username - test,password - tester

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Rayz expert and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Rayz expert.

Technical Checklist...

Allows your users to block any other noising person in the chat except anyone that has the upper status: regular users can't block moderators and moderators can't block chat admin. Users blocking you are coloured in pink and users blocked by you in gray colors respectively (all colors can be reset via Chat Settings). Blocked user can't play video or audio of the user blocking him, send him any private, direct or whispering message, but can be also blocked.
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Thanks Rayz another great mod sucessfully installed.

Keep them coming

I set up and nothing changed, just userlist background color in under admin chat section.
However users can block each other, but nothing changed - in user chat section blocked user`s name bacgroud color same as others and still can send messages, can play videos etc...
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.