Category: news

Dolphin Pro 7.2 Beta Released!

Andrew Boon posted 9th of July 2015 in News. 45 comments.

It is impossible to overstate significance of this release. Dolphin Pro 7.2 is the first major feature update in over 2 years! Yes, it is still a "BETA" package, but it doesn't normally take long to progress from feature-final beta to a full stable release. Also, if you're brave and if you don't need to upgrade from 7.1, it is

New Photo Uploader in Dolphin 7.2

Andrew Boon posted 28th of June 2015 in News. 35 comments.

Upcoming Dolphin Pro version update has just received yet another cool improvement - a whole new Photo Uploader!   The new uploader doesn't rely on Flash; supports multiple photos; shows previews BEFORE the photo is uploaded and does resizing on user-end (again BEFORE upload even occurs). It also has a much nicer, cleaner interface...

Dolphin Pro 7.2 Admin Facelift

Andrew Boon posted 12th of June 2015 in News. 47 comments.

Administration panel of the upcoming 7.2 release has received a refreshed design. We are now going through little bits and pieces, but you can already see the general idea. Mostly it's a switch to non-bitmap design elements (retina support), but while we're testing it out we're also adding small fixes and improvements, like "quick links" in dashboard, new library for

Top "Row" Added to Pages Builder (and the new Profile Cover is using it)

Andrew Boon posted 9th of June 2015 in News. 24 comments.

The "add new row" feature for Pages Builder has been requested more than once, but we hesitated mostly because directly adding rows always seemed like a sure way of breaking layouts. Still, there are situations when something like a row is needed.    For Dolphin Pro 7.2 we have examined a number of potential situations when extra row may be useful and

Updated Shoutbox - Emojis and More

Andrew Boon posted 8th of June 2015 in News. 29 comments.

Shoutbox module in Dolphin Pro 7.2 will be a whole lot better! It is now possible to add it to any page, and developers can use it in their modules. In default implementation it will appear on homepage, group page and event page. Design and layout updated. Responsiveness added. And finally - bringing us all out of the caves of

MoxieManager for Dolphin 7.2 and Dolphin 7.1.6. License is on us!

Andrew Boon posted 3rd of June 2015 in News. 8 comments.

We have acquired an Enterprise license for MoxieManager media-manager and integrated it into Dolphin Pro 7.2. Instructions 7.1.6 also available. All Dolphin users can get MoxieManager for free, under the terms of our license, for use within Dolphin platform.  

Dolphin Pro 7.1.6 Released. Important Service Update!

Andrew Boon posted 27th of May 2015 in News. 35 comments.

This is a highly recommended version that includes fixes for social sharing and YouTube video embeds. Additionally, 7.1.6 closes a reported security vulnerability, making it an urgent “must have” update.  

Join & Login Forms in Dolphin Pro 7.2

Andrew Boon posted 27th of May 2015 in News. 20 comments.

Competition in social networking space is tough. Users have all the options in the world and are ready to move on to somebody else's site if they face a tiniest obstacle on yours. It's getting harder to sign them up. And #1 make-it-or-break-it, sign-up-driving, first-impression-creatin g component of a social network platform is, of course, the sign up form. And not

Introducing Social Software Wiki

Andrew Boon posted 19th of May 2015 in News. 5 comments.

Today we are launching Social Software Wiki - community-edited repository of documentation, tips, answers, reviews and comparisons of various social software products. It's not just for DolphinPro - it's for any popular social software product.  www.socialsoftware .wiki 

Member Menus in DolphinPro 7.2

Andrew Boon posted 11th of May 2015 in News. 19 comments.

In DolphinPro 7.2 development we are particularly focused on improving overall usability of the platform. Quite simply, we want end-users to be able to enjoy networking and sharing instead of trying to figure out how the site works. And the most crucial "driver" of good user experience is, of course, navigation. We spend a whole lot of time figuring out

Trident Beta 2 Released

Andrew Boon posted 11th of May 2015 in News. 8 comments.

Trident Beta 2 is released. This update will automatically push to all active Trident-based sites that have auto-updated enabled. This is the cool thing about Trident - when updates comes you don't have to do anything.     

Dolphin 7.2 Development Progress Update

Andrew Boon posted 5th of May 2015 in News. 61 comments.

Next major version of our flagship product - Dolphin Pro 7.2 - is under active development again. We can already see that the process is vastly different from the way we did it before. Improvements and fixes are not just progressing from 7.1, they also stem from Trident (our resident lab rat).   There is no Beta or Alpha version available yet

Trident Beta Released at ONLINE.ME

Andrew Boon posted 22nd of April 2015 in News. 23 comments.

The first feature-final release of Trident has arrived. Meet Trident 8.0 BETA! It only took what... 5 years?

Let's see how to turn Dolphin into SPAM-repellent! Ideas. Tips. Tools.

Andrew Boon posted 16th of April 2015 in News. 13 comments.

Your fresh-out-of-the-oven social network is up and running. Hosting server optimised, friends invited, initial marketing campaign launched, coffee is still hot and... TA-DA! The first member joined! Name is "Prudence", wants to "meet nice people", and... WOW! Another one! Girl again... posting in blog already... something about designer bags..? WTF!?! Before the day is out your server is bogged down

How would you make COMMENTS look and work on mobiles?

Andrew Boon posted 10th of April 2015 in News. 23 comments.

Comments can make or brake engagement on a content-focused social network. Mobile traffic overtakes desktop traffic on social networking sites. Getting comments to look and work perfectly on mobile devices is crucial for social software platform like Dolphin. Let's talk about what would constitute the most elegant, user-friendly, efficient, secure and engaging commenting system.

Reassessing Bootstrap For Dolphin Pro

Andrew Boon posted 1st of April 2015 in News. 16 comments.

We had a brief talk about Bootstrap today, again. Every now and then the lure of pre-cooked CSS elements takes our attention, and yet we keep resisting. I've mentioned Bootstrap before and that it doesn't work for us because of UI inconsistencies, but I thought maybe we could use the lego-pieces without necessarily doing an "all-bootstrap" cookie-cutter site. And so we

Mobile-Friendly The Right Way

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of March 2015 in News. 16 comments.

This is both sharing and an ever-open question. While building Trident and recently updating BoonEx we have gained a good deal of experience and insight into how web-software can be built to make websites "mobile-friendly". Conventions are all still far from definitive. Mobile web is that new frontier that has already gained strong mainstream end-user acceptance, while developers and technologies

Trident a11 - The Last Alpha

Andrew Boon posted 16th of February 2015 in News. 33 comments.

This is the last "alpha" release of the Trident platform. Next one will be a beta, which means we won't be adding any more new features until final release. So, between now and Beta it is the last chance to squeeze in some new functionality or even changes in existing features. Feel free to share your ideas in comments. 

Trident a10

Andrew Boon posted 15th of January 2015 in News. 6 comments.

Our new platform, now called Trident, is getting very very close to beta release. We anticipate perhaps one more alpha before it happens. In this update we're bringing quite a few improvements as well as general remming from Dolphin to Trident.

Dolphin U is now Trident (again)

Andrew Boon posted 29th of December 2014 in News. 43 comments.

The name of the new platform has been bouncing back and forth quite a bit lately. Well, we thought we'd test your patience once again, hopefully cementing it once and for all. We are renaming Dolphin U to Trident. Moreover, we plan to move Trident downloads, support and discussion to another site soon. BoonEx will only be focused on Dolphin

Dolphin U Alpha 9

Andrew Boon posted 9th of December 2014 in News. 26 comments.

We are getting a lot closer to the feature set that we plan for initial release of Dolphin U. This update (alpha 9) is a significant and very important leap forward. Most notably, Dolphin U now has a new Video Transcoder, which has already been used in the new "Timeline Videos" feature. So, you can upload videos to Timeline and

Dolphin U: Videos Transcoding

AlexT posted 24th of November 2014 in News. 13 comments.

  The new Video Transcoder provides powerful features and very simplified interface for developers. Working with video is as simple as working with images using Images Transcoder. Converted files are automatically stored it in the storage engine.  It generates .mp4 and .webm videos to support HTML5 video playing in all modern browsers:

Dolphin PRO Responsive Design Prototype

Andrew Boon posted 11th of November 2014 in News. 26 comments.

Work on Dolphin PRO is resuming alongside with Dolphin U development. As we've announced earlier among other things Dolphin PRO will be getting a responsive design overhaul. There are many ways to make website interface "responsive", though. In Dolphin U, for example, we are experimenting with more unconventional, but compact main menu and adaptive popups, while pages content relies on either

Dolphin U Alpha 8 - New Features!

Andrew Boon posted 9th of November 2014 in News. 16 comments.

Today's update of Dolphin U Alpha is one of the most significant since we started public testing. There are new features, core improvements and design changes. Let's see what we've done...

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.